(CH.50) Time For Some New Members

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///SALT POV///
"I'm so boreeeeddddd-" Right groaned.
"Well like. What am I supposed to do about it? It's not like its my fault." I said, mad.
"I wanna leaveee-"
"Tell that to Taco, why're you telling this to me?"
"Cause i'm scared of her? Duh."
"Ah. In that case, that's like, not my problem at all."
I kept doodling on my paper, we were drawing some stuff for time to pass by faster because we weren't sleepy enough to go rest, we almost never are.
But I did also feel tired of waiting.
It's not fair, everyone else has a role in the operation except us.
I looked away from my paper and looked at them.
"I'm bored too, if I'm being honest."
"What should we do about it then?"
I paused to think for a moment.
"...Maybe like, escape? I dunno."
"Ooooohhh... That would be crazy cool! Taco would kill the three of us though."
"Well... Not if in our escape we get her something she wants, something she'd forgive us for, we could like- Kidnap someone! She needs new members, right? We get her a new member unexpectedly, that'll make her see that we aren't as useless as she thinks!"
"YES! Oh, Left... we are RUNNING AWAY!"
"Shhh! Don't scream about it! We will totally get caught like that, specifically if we're shouting at 2am."
"Oop! sorry."
"Okay, whatever, like- We need someone to cover for us, who can we trust?"
"Oh, oh! Box is our friend, he won't mind helping us out!"
"You sure?"
"Go tell them then, no time to waste."
"Gotcha! Let's go, Left."
The Cherries stood up and were about to sprint for it but i stopped them.
"SHHH! Silently, remember?"
They nodded and continued walking on their way to tell box about our plan.
I wonder who we will kidnap, kinda want em to be someone of the hotel, but if we find someone else along the way...
What if we kidnap OJ? We would totally like, win the whole operation.
Ugh, but that'd be hard.
I'd, like, love to.. but it isn't worth it.
I sighed as I waited for The Cherries to come back.
After a while, they came back smiling.
I saw then and began talking.
"There you guys are, let's go already."
"Nono, wait! We realized something on piur way there, we also need a way to get back quickly after we kidnap them. Or are we gonna carry a passed out person with us? I was thinking on Taco's Teletransportation Bow Tie, but we dont know where it is.."
"Oh, well, I know where it is! It's in Taco's office, i've seen it a couple of times, follow me." I said and took them to where her office is.
"Here, look at it." I said as I pointed to the table through the door's glass .
"Nice! But how do we get in there?"
"Easy, we pick the lock."
"You know how to pick locks??? THATS SO COOL!"
"Right! SHHH. And yes, I do."
"Oops.. Sorry."
"It's fine, just stay quiet for a bit. I don't want you ruining our plan."
He nodded and looked at me.
I got a clip out of my bow tie and slowly made my way through the lock on her door.
Then, a click.
Nice! I still got it.
I opened the door slowly and entered, walking slowly until I reached the table.
After I grabbed the bow tie I began walking back.
I left the room and slowly closed the door.
"Got it! I don't know how to use it though.."
"Oh! We do! Taco explained it to Mic in front of us once!"
"Great, let's get out and use it then."
I said and went up the ladder to the exit.
I opened the trapdoor and got outside.
"Ew, dirt-" I said as I climbed up and stood up.
I stared at The Cherries as they also got up, seeing them struggle due to their double-body mixed with the very steep ladder.
"So... Who are we gonna kidnap?" Right said, once they got out.
"I was thinking someone in the hotel, but that might be hard..."
"Wait wait! I have an idea!"
"Hm? What is it?"
"There's this Spooky Mansion where Marshmallow and Apple are at, we used to share a room with Apple so we know where to find it."
"OMG. Yes, that's perfect! Let's get there then!"
"We will have to walk though."
"Wait, why? We have the Bow tie."
"Uh. Remember what i said of when Taco explained how the bow tie worked? She kind of mentioned that she couldn't really teleport to places she hasn't been to, that'll probably apply to us too."
"Awh, fuck."
"However! We can walk there! I think i know more or less how to get there."
"Oh? Let's go already then!"
Right smiled and grabbed me by my hand as he guided me to where the spooky mansion was, which was inside of the forest.
"We will be there in no time! I think it's pretty close to our base, i'd say its 10 minutes away? Pretty damn close!!"
"Oh uh, suuuureee."
The walk went on, neither of us talked.
Well, okay. Like- Right rambled for a while but i didn't listen to a single thing he said.
And after around 20 minutes of straight walking Right stopped.
"Huh?" I said confused as I looked at Right.
"There it is!" He said, pointing to the woods.
I was even more confused, because i couldn't see anything.
"Uh, what."
He sighed in disbelief and looked at me.
"Take a close look, in the distance. It's there!"
I looked more into it, and noticed a wall.
"Is that thing that's incredibly far away... It?"
"Mhm, yup."
"Jeez! I thought it was! Sorry? But we're walking too, y'know."
"Ugh! I don't like walking through woods at, like, 2am, not at all!"
"And we do? We didn't know it would take this long!"
"Let's just speed this all up. And i'm never like, listening to you ever again!"
"Fine! Fair enough, I don't blame you! But don't get mad now, we are close enough, aren't we?"
I grumbled under my breath as we kept walking.
Ughhhhh... I'm so tired!
I wanna get there already.
More time passed by, I was totally ultra exhausted by this point.
"Are we there yet?" I asked, tiredly.
"Almosttt!!! Look, it actually is close now!" He said and I looked over.
"FINALLY!" I shouted out of excitement.
"Let's get there then, find them, and kidnap them!"
"We need like, a plan first though.."
"We grab someone, knock them out, and then teleport them to our base!"
"Oooh, good plan Righty."
"I know!"
We got closer to the house, sneaking as we came closer to it.
I then noticed something, someone was getting out of the mansion, two people, maybe?.
I grabbed The Cherries by the stem.
"Shhh.. Look-" I said, as i pointed at the two people who were running out of the mansion.
"Oh? Ooohhh... Where are they going?"
"I don't know, but they will not get, like, far from us." I said as I walked towards them, hiding between the bushes and trees, The Cherries right behind me.
"Are we capturing them both?"
"Okay then."
We then reached them, I took a closer look and realized it was Lightbulb and Apple.
I poked The Cherries and they looked at me.
"Here's the, like, plan.. You guys knock them out and I will teleport us all to the base." I said whispering.
"Alrighty! On it!" He said, and got ready to attack.
"Don't hurt them too much, we need them whole."
"Yeaaahhhh, yeeaaaahhhh."
They got closer to them.
"Oh, phew..- Lighty, this sure was a crazy idea, Marshy ain't gonna like it! But we're safe now." Apple was saying, gasping for air.
"NOT FOR LONG, HA!" Right said as him and Left charged at Apple.
"AHH!" She said as she fell to the floor.
Lightbulb backed away in shock and confusedly processed what just had happened.
The Cherries started hitting Apple on the head, I'm guessing to knock em out? It was incredibly unsuccessful.
"AAHHHHH!!! GET THEM OFF, GET THEM OFF!-" Apple shouted, unable to pull them off.
Lightbulb rushed to help and almost pulled them away so I tackled her.
"Stay right where you are!" I shouted at her.
"Got it!" I said, grabbing Right's hand and holding Lightbulb down with my feet whilst pressing onto my bowtie.
Suddenly, a bright light covered us all and before we knew it, we were in the base.
"WHAT THE WHAT. WHERE  ARE WE???" Apple shouted in a panic, as she looked around.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH WE'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED. HELP!!!" She continued shouting and pushed The Cherries away from her.
"SHUT UP! YOU'RE GONNA WAKE EM UP-"  Right said as Left covered Apple's mouth, muffled screaming being the only thing left.
I looked over to Lightbulb, who was panickly looking around.
"Huh, no screaming?" I said confused.
"Ugh. Why can't yours be like that, Right." I continued on saying.
"Nye nye nye nyenye nye, nye.. You're acting as if we're able to control her!"
Then, someone entered the room.
"What are you guys doing awake..?" Said Tissues as he entered the room and saw the panorama, staying still and quiet once he realized what was going on.
"Hhey.. What was it, Tissues-" Cheesy also said as he entered and with pure disbelief stared at us.
"Well, ain't this awkward." Cheesy said as he looked at everyone in the room.

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