the beginning(revamp abit)

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In ursus, chernobog live a single man. He was short, he doesn't have any animal feature on his body.
If anyone see him, they would think of him as an aegir but he was far from thoses who live in the ocean.

To everyone else he seem an aegir, but to the person himself..he was human.

A human living in ursus, in chernobog without any memory of who he was before this.
He didn't remember many thing such as  what he was, or who his parent is..or what even his job in ursus.
He only remember waking up, at the middle of the snow.. on a land that he doesn't remember, nor he have memory off.
the only thing he has is himself, his clothes, and the watch on his hand that he can summon freely within his mind desire, and each summon give him a glimpse of memory.

the watch on his hand was in the shape of a circle, with an image place in the middle. is not a watch that uses to read time but instead something different from a normal watch can do. he cant remember what these thing are, but he could tell what it was an object that he used before.. An object that holds power, power that is beyond any logical explanation, a power capable of creating miracles.

"Rider.. watch"  that what he says about the object, what he can tell about the item in his hand. A rider watch, an item with a face plastered on the middle that look like a mascot. But one of the other thing that can be seen was a number.
2016.. he didn't know how, but he have a feeling this is talk about years.. the year 2016.

The watch.. was an odd thing for the man, he didn't know why he can summon it, but eather way it feel like the watch have always been a part of his life.
It always came when he was wandering to himself..or perhaps when the situation is needed.

Why can he summon these watch? What is the relationship of him and these rider watch? He didn't know but he can tell it was important.

To a life that he didn't know, to a life that he once live before living In ursus. It curious, he want to know what is this..but at the dame time, the watch give him another type of feeling..the feeling of fear.

He was curious..yet also can't help ut be afraid of his own power.

Is can you be afraid of your own power? But even if he ask himself this question. He always shivered, like his body insticvely want to reject this power, and worst of all he can't and didn't know why he was like thism

his memory was in shamble, each time he hold rider watch he see glimps of memory but it was blurried. He cant remember anything, important thing..even non important things.

He doesn't remember any name, any person living in ursus..he doesn't even feel like he was part of chernobog, he doesn't belong here.
All he can remember other then thozes glimps of memory..was someone, a person.

The person was wearing a black hood. He cant tell if the person is a man or a woman do to the face covering their face but..he remember word of the person says.

"rhode Island, would you want to come to us?"

Thoses word always ring in his head, for this two years the word..rhode island, ring on his head.

Join rhode island, why did that person invite him..and what or why rhode island?
Of all thing in his head, that what he remember the moat, that word keep ring into his head as he was about to sleep..

Even throught nightmare of his past that he force himself to sleep by, even after countless odd nightmare that one thing always pop into his mind.
Rhode island..what is that and  what are they?

What are they to him..and why is it important for him to join that organization? And who is that person? Who is that mask person that talk to him.

So for thoses years he try looking for it, wondering hr could find out about what rhodenisland is..or perhaps the location of that place.

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