joining rhode island

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When tokita was about to leave, he left over 3/4 of his wealth on his home. He trust his key to Era, who took it and promise his going to use it to help them.

Tokiwa smiled, and simply said to only do it if she wasn't in danger and also told her to stay away from more originium mine.

Her family was saddened when his about to leave, and they keep thanking him for bringing her back to them.
They want to pay him but tokita refuses, and they have to force themselves to him before tokita said alright abf was bombard by gift for as a goodbye token.

He wave his hand at them, and shining look at the gift at tokita hand.

"There is alot of food" shining commented, seeing the amount of food they giving to him, 3 bag of food that his holding in his hand.

"Hm? Your want some?"

"Thanks but I'm not hungry" shining replied and tokiwa just hum and continue walking out of their residence.

They continue to chat while on the way and shining can't help but ask
"Why didn't you put it on your pocket dimension?"

"Hmm Hhthat, well I never actually try ro put anything in there other then rider watch and the weapons. I don't even know is possible to keep the gift inside of it" he explained, The pocket dimension he have was always active instinctively on the situation.
The rider watched would appear at the moment he need the most, and the weapon will come automatically if he was in danger.

"The riderwatch appeared at the though what I needed the most, like when I uses ryuki to find era, or ex aid to heal you, or when I need fire with wizard," he explains
"Is only work with my power..and I don't think I can store aby item unless is my riderwatch or weapon

"I see," shining said softly"then If you don't mind,I can lend you a hand."

"Eh? Really? Thanks"

"Is the least I can do" shining said, taking half of the thing that was given fromhim and continue walking

The two then of them walk by the hospital that held the infected, and tokita cant help but gaze over at the building. Shining stop, and she can tell what he was thinking and ask.

"Are you worried for them? The military didn't find any infected rioting so they still at the same place where you left them, fo you want to visit them?"

"Hmm" he look at her and blink in suprise. He was about to answer but then his eyes then spotted era walking toward the hospital, with food in her hand. The site of the child he help bringing food toward the hospital is enought to put a small smile on his face.

"No need..I think they are in good hand" he smil3d and took the camera he brought and aim it at era.

" a hopeful future  this place can change" he sigh softly and took a picture of era bringing food toward the hospital.
Anyone would just think is a child bringing food, toward the people who were there, they wont have any suspicion there a large ammount of people below the hospital.

perhaps wishing ursus to change is just a wishful thinking. Such thing would be impossible to change, especially when most who can created change, are hard headed arrogant people who think they know what the best for the country.

He know he can't change ursus, or it principal.  But despite that, there be people who like long as people who follow a much more kinder path.
It a wishful ideal..and a naive one to think, but he wish there more people like Era..
"As long as people like era exist,  there a chance that in the future ursus could be different"
He glance at his photo, and a smile appeared on his face, before placing the photo to his pocket and  continue walking with shining to their location.

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