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He gave a soft sigh and started grabbing the wizard rider watch and inspect it,  spinning it around, and playing it like a toy, with a smile on his face.

Shining seemingly interested in what at his hand ask
"What are those?"

" called rider watch"

"" she muttered and remembered the event that had happened, he press the thing, and it shouted, "Ex aid!" As he did that, the hammer came from the sky, and he uses it as a way to purify her from the virus.

"It's a different color and desigh from the last one you use.. I assume this is how you cure me?"

"Sort of them if I remember correctly was an ability that I'd attach to this called virus.." he took the ex aid rider watch and showed it to shining, who grabbed it and inspected it.

"So different watch gave different ability" she hummed. The power he posess kt was something she never see..perhaps is a new type of art? Or some sort of technology that she had never heard before

"What type of ability if I may ask?" She was curious about these watch, perhapd one of them with a mix of his ability can find a way to heal "her"

"That" he pauses and looks down to the watch and shining notice there a sullen expression he was giving.

It is not an eyes that she expected from someone like him,  his eyes is like he have experiance something terrible in his life..and have forgotten it, and trying to remember what it was.

It remind her of a few people she meet in Rhode island but..he was young.
He wasn't an infected ap she doubt he face the wrath of ursus military and from the look of people around her and the way he was greeted it clear he was well like..

Bur his expression didn't lied, she was no expert but she know an expression if immense guilt when she saw Why?

"It..I hard to remember" he took a deep sigh and watch one the red wizard rider watch and press the button.

"Wizard" it announched and he stare at it for a while as he closes his eyes
"I know their name..and what it can grant how I can uses the weapon when I try to save you"

Shining nodded, the sword he uses to cure her, the funny looking sword.

"If i remember it comes from that pink one"

"Yep..ex aid" there a smile on his lios almost like a nostalgic smile"i know that they can be uses to summon weapons or abilities like wizard..I could summon fire with it" he show case wizard ability and there a strange magical circle on his hand
Shining look in awe, she never see this type of art before and certainly look different then any technological weapon she ever seen..

"How does it work?"

"I dont know much" he scratch his head and let a small laugh" the only thing I can remember is..that their weapon it summon and how to uses it other then that I don't know anything..not the user, how he gain it..or even the story..all of them have become blank..except the knowledge of the ability I uses, like how i uses the weapon, I cant remember much of them" his voice tone was down, is as if he was sadden that he forgot about them.

He didn't know who they are, but he felt a sadness in his heart that he forget them.
the watch  are important, and whoever gave it meant it was important to forget those he deem important felt hurt.

"If it painful to remember do not forcr yourself to fo it..sometime it better for time to take it course" shining softly advice him. The more she look at him, she saw a similiarty between him and nearl.

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