infected riot

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Ugh", the moment he open the door he not only smell the familiar scent of a hospital bur also see the new habitat of the hospital.

The corrider is fulled of people more specifically, infected.

His thought was right, there are more infected then era,and just like he thought off, every infected first thought was to go to the hospital.

To cling on that last hope, the hope that they can be cure, that they wouldn't become an infected.

Only for that hopes to be crushed when they saw the fate that is bestowed upon them, that no matter if it just light or heavy you can't br cure.
No matter what, they will loses hope. Being an infected is worst fate then dead, at least dead was quick.

Infected? Everyone will want nothing to you, especially in ursus, and they wouldn't even kill you..sometime the most merciful one would but majority, they wouldn't want nothing to do with infected.
The moment they got infected is the moment their life was over, and no matter what they do nothing could have save them.

There no cure and the fact that living as one is hell was already enough to put the  seed of despair in their heart, and that despair will never go away, it going to stay until the end of their short life.

He seen thoses moments happened  and through his eyes he see the struggle that they endure...the feeling if seeing someone sick and yet he can't even help it.
Everytime he sees infected, He can see originium grow on their flesh, and whole he can't see some he knows that they hide it between their clothes..hiding it so they cant be seen so atleast they won't be judged or treated worst then trash.

When he saw them he can't help but clench his hand to a fist. These peoppe, they don't have a sin, they didn't do anything wrong yet..they keep don't care.
Even if says people are children, or their friend..the moment rhey are infected is like you become lower..your no longer human in their eyes.

He manage to see one infectef brough by the military, the person was crying in tears and even beg to the police to let them go, if he remember correctly one of the police was his friend, and he beg that person specifically to let him go
Yet they laught at the psrson and even beat rhem up.
No mercy, even before they were overall nice to him, but the moment they were label infected..they want him dead.

And now..all of these people are going to share the same thoses other infected.
He grith his teeth in disgust, and his mind asked the same question when he first saw that.

"Is there even hope...for them to survive?" If he can, if he has the power he would help them but..with his condition.

An amnesiac with the rider watch, while he know of their history hr can only summon weapon..and  what can they agains ursus? An country who is known to have the mightiest army of all.
Hw shook his head, he have to focus, for now finding Era is the best thing he should do

He think she here, consid3r this is the closest place she would come to.

And before he can even look deeper he hear a sound coming from the left direction.

It sound, a familiar sound and as he heard that voice another memory replay in his head.

It was another armor man, his armor color was red and the red dragon that he saw was circling around him.

Infront of the man was a similiar armor but with a darker color. A black dragon swirl around him as the two were stsring agains one another.

They both took a card, and put it on their visor.

"Final vent!!" Both of them announched as the dragon begin circling agains their user.

"Hahhh" the red one took a deep breath, and jump, follow by rhe black one.

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