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Jessica 💛
:::Insert 4:::
Ring.... Ring... Ring
Ongoing call 📞
Me: hey Tina
Tina: honey you have to help me!
Me: help you with what?
Tina: see there's this guy I really like but I can't get around asking him for his number. I need your help
Me: you want me to walk up to a stranger and ask him for his number.
Tina: Yesss! Girl please you're my only hope.
Me: (sigh) fine. Where are we meeting the mystery guy
Tina: yay you're a life saver! Thank you thank you thank you. Meet me in the coffee shop in an hour he always spends about two hours there.
Me: who spends two hours at a coffee Shop. What a weirdo.
Tina: dont talk like that about my future husband.
I rolled my eyes
Me: see you in ten.
Call ended
I got up lazily from bed, had a shower and got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and black and white converse sneakers My hair was in a lazy pony tail and I was out the door. Tina was already waiting outside with her car.
Tina: took you long enough. Let's go before we miss him.
Me: you're such a drama queen
Tina: shut up
She drove like a maniac until we got to the coffee shop. She quickly looked at herself in a mirror and apply make up. Urgh I hate make up.
Tina: okay I'm ready we can go now.
I chuckled and got out of the car. She was sure to rush in front of me so she can walk in first. We took a seat at a table and since we're already at a coffee shop I decided to order a muffin and latte
Tina: you're busy stuffing yourself with food when I'm dying of anxiety here
I laughed and she glared at me.
Me: it's gonna work out fine chill. Where is he anyway?
Tina: right there.
She pointed towards two guys who were seated with their backs towards us.
Me: which one?
Tina: hold on.
She crumpled up a peace of paper and threw it at the guy. He turned around and as soon as his eyes landed on me he smirked.and I nearly chocked on my muffin. Liam?!
Me: him?
Tina: yes him. I love everything about him. His voice his body, his eyes, man I could go on and on for days. Now what are you waiting. Go make my dreams come true.
I reluctantly stood up and walked towards them. He was with his brother I presume coz his voice sounded to familiar. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me with a stupid grin on his face.
Liam: hey feisty girl

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