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Jessica 💛
::: Insert 22:::
*Liam's POV*
I woke up in my bed with a splitting headache and it took me a while to recall anything. But when I did, I knew I had to find out where that hoe was hiding my wife! I got up got cleaned and dressed and when I walked past a mirror I caught a glimpse of something on my neck. I took a closer look and realised it was some sort of bruise. I figured it was just an insect bite and moved on but I got my answer after my phone beeped. It was a bunch of photos from Tina and when I opened them I almost dropped my phone. Did I sleep with Tina? Thoughts and fears crept into my mind and I panicked! What if Jessica has seen the. I'm in deep sh*t. Regardless I drove to Tina's house and decided to wait until she came out. I knew for a fact she'd lead me to where Jessica was. I waited for about an hour and she walked out and went into her car and I followed her until she stopped at an abandoned looking house and she walked in. I waited for her to leave the place before I snuck in. I looked around and the place and when I finally found the room she was in I saw her and my heart broke into a million pieces. She looked so weak and tired. Her spark was gone she'd all hope and that killed me. I walked up to her and she was startled when she heard someone coming but as soon as she realised it was me, tears fell from her eyes
Jessica: Liam...
I quickly untied her and she could barely even stand up. She was so weak. I picked her up and she held on to me like her life depended on it. I rushed her to the hospital and called her parents. They were very happy to see her alive and even hired bodyguards for her. I went back home and came back the next morning to see her. But as her eyes met mine, she gave me a cold stare and I immediately figured out Tina probably fed her lies and showed her those pictures.
Me: Jessica..
Jessica: stay away from me Liam.
Me: I can explain.
Jessica: just go! Leave me alone! You betrayed me!
I sighed. She was really angry at me and I didn't even know how to fix it. She looked at me with a look of hatred in her eyes and I just walked out feeling devastated

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