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Jessica 💛
::: Insert 5:::
If there was a time I wanted the world to swallow me, that would have been the perfect moment.
Me: hi.
Liam: how can I help you
Me: she... Tina wants your number.
Liam: who's Tina?
I pointed toward her and he turned around to see her staring at him.
Liam: the one that's staring at us with googly eyes?
I nodded and he chuckled.
Liam: so you don't want my number feisty girl
Me: my name is Jessica.
Liam: okay Jessica. Give me your phone.
Me: why?
Liam: are you not the one who just asked for my number.
Me: oh. Right.
I gave him my unlocked phone and he dialled his number and called himself with my phone.
Liam: great now I have your number.
I rolled my eyes. I really don't believe him.
He saved his number on my phone with a heart next to his name.
Liam: here you go.
Me: why?
Liam: why not.
I sighed and walked away. I could feel his stares poking me from behind. And when I turned around he really was staring! What a weirdo.
Tina: you had better not be wooing him.
Me: urgh no.
I gave Tina the number and we decided to leave a few minutes after.
Liam: bye feisty girl!
He shouted from across the room. I rolled my eyes and put my middle finger up. That had him rolling over with laughter showing of his silver tooth. I don't even know why he had that. I'm just lucky Tina was already outside otherwise I would have had some explaining to do.
Me: so are you happy now?
Tina: yes! You're the best
She squeezed me in a hug and we left. I had a pretty regular day after that. I went to my afternoon lectures and went straight home afterwards I was exhausted and fell asleep immediately after my head hit the pillow. Unfortunately at 1am I was woken up by the loud sounds of my ringing phone.
I didn't even bother to Look at the caller ID
Ongoing call 📞
Me: what!?
"Hey feisty girl"
Me: Liam... You! I swear to God if you were here I'd slap your stupid face.
Liam: calm down. Jeez you just woke up and you're already angry.
Me: you're the one who gets on my nerves
Liam: I like it when you're angry. It makes you even cuter
Me: did you just call me cute.
Liam: don't you already know you're cute.
I rolled my eyes
Liam: don't roll your eyes at me Jessica
Me: how did you...?
Liam: whenever I say something you find irritating , you roll your eyes
Me: whatever. Is that why you woke me up?
Liam: no. I just wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep
Me: you're supposed to be calling Tina not me
Liam: who? The clown faced girl?

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