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Jessica 💛
::: Insert 18:::
Her phone rang and I looked up at her. She had a huge smile on her face and I wondered why but soon I got my answer.
Tina: oh would you look at that, my prince charming finally decided to call. Do you want me to put it on speaker? Don't you want to hear his voice one more time.
She laughed and then glared at me.
Tina: one wrong move and you're dead.
I nodded and she answered the call and put it on speaker.
Tina: hey Liam.
Liam:. Where's Jessica?
Tina: no,how are you or how are you doing
Liam: just answer the question.
Tina: Jessica left my house yesterday. Isn't she at her parents house?
That witch was lying through her teeth
Liam: she's not there.
Tina: what if she's missing
Liam: then I'll find her. Wherever she is.
Tina: what if we go out and look for her together and maybe we could ...
The call ended before she could finish her sentence. And if I wasn't in unbearable pain, I would've been laughing at her hard. Typical Liam, he just like being rude for no reason at all. But to me he's the sweetest box of chocolates. I can't believe something that makes me so happy could be the reason for my death. Tina turned around and glared at me
Tina: I'm sure Liam could use someone to comfort him at this difficult time. I'm
Me: you wouldn't!
Tina: oh I would.
Me: he'll never love you Tina. He loves me and you know that! The sooner you accept that the better for all of us.
I kept my mouth shut and continued to wallow in my misery.
Tina: I will get him Jessica. And when I do, I'll make sure you know about it.
Saying that she laughed and stared daydreaming.
Tina: urgh I just can't stop imagining that sexy body on top of me. Just thinking about it makes me h0rny. He's good in bed right?
Why would she ask me that. Sure the answer was yes but why was she saying all this in front of me.
Tina: I'm sure he is.
She laughed before walking out and leaving me there to spend yet another night in that cold and empty room

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