Chapter 2 |You are unbelievable|

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She was so clumsy, she even tripped in thin air

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She was so clumsy, she even tripped in thin air. She was so surprised, her legs tried to run away from her!

His heart had a hard time keeping up, especially since it couldn't see the invisible obstacles she kept running into.

"Hey! Don't betray me. I don't understand why you move that way. Walk along with me. Alas! You are a part of my flesh."

As she looked at her high heels, she scolded. Even her heels weren't immune to her mood swings.

"Fine! I'll walk with you, but only if you promise to keep up!"

She spoke again.

"It's time to take things seriously," she said with a determined look.

An amused look crossed his face as he watched this all unfold.

"She was high on ambition," he thought to himself with a sly smirk.

He had parked the car at a distance, so he had to walk along with her. Something that Murtasim Khan never did. He always had people walking behind him. But this time, in her presence, he found himself pacing beside her, keeping pace with her so-called determined strides. He doesn't mind if it includes her. At that moment, Murtasim Khan found himself taking a different path - one that he hadn't taken before - and it was one that he enjoyed.

"Be careful, don't step on that pebble. You'll get hurt." He realized that he wanted to protect her, and be there for her, even if it was just in a small way. He was drawn to her in a way he had not experienced before, and he was willing to take risks to be by her side.

"Oops sorry, but I have faced quite a few of these, and the fear has flown away. You don't need to worry man."

The expression on her face changed dramatically as she said emotionally, "I'm immune to them.".

"Yea right, I'm sure you have a superpower to beat them all!" He said looking for the hint of sadness on her face

She sighed and let out a gentle smile, indicating that her words were more than just a figure of speech. But the very next second her expression changed back to being clumsy and funny. Her hesitant transition between emotions demonstrated just how much she meant what she said.

She rolled her eyes and replied, "No, I have a better superpower: I have the power to eat an entire box of chocolates and not gain an ounce!"

Laughing, he let out a throaty, handsome sound.

"That's amazing," he exclaimed. "What a superpower to have!".

Seeing her bend down, she took out her heels and threw them at him, shouting.


She was so evil that she made Satan look like an angel! He thought.

He caught the heels with a deft movement, exclaiming "This is a superpower!

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