Heroes & Villains Meet the Day Walkers pt 1

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Downtown Metropolis at night...

A lot of screams were heard as various civilians were being taken by the undead in the same armor the Blackhearts, the girls, Casey and Francine witnessed. They were getting away with the victims until a cloud of black & white smoke appeared to engulfed the assailants who dropped the hostages, who heard signs of a fight happening, followed by grunts, hisses, roars and screeches as they tried to get a clear view with their phones but the smoke was too thick.

The smoke clears to revealed the assailants lying dead as their bodies turned to ashes, the superhero girls arrived but saw the hostages were saved and the bodies now ashes of the assailants who tried to abducted them.

The question was... who took them down?


The next few days...

Metropolis daily planet news was showing cases of civilians getting abducted by mysterious assailants in pure black armor and masks but also shows most of them getting targeted by unknown figures who struck the assailants and fade in the shadows. It's been going on for a while now, civilians were was getting killed from bleeding to death from bite wounds, some civilians were getting kidnapped by these mysterious individuals only to be stopped and killed as their bodies reduced to ashes, all the news got was five mysterious silhouettes with cameras unable to get a clear shot of them, who they are or what they look like.

Even the superhero girls couldn't get to these five individuals but they wouldn't give up so easily, planning to bring whoever or whatever is responsible for these kidnapping to justice along with the five beings who was executing the bad guys.


Harleen: Hey Selinaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Harleen was seen entering the feline thief's car, sitting between Carol and Pam with Leslie sitting on the left of Carol, Doris in the passenger front seat and Selina in the driver's seat as they drove off.

Harleen: Did ya see the news?! Did ya?! Did ya?! Did ya?!

Selina: I'm aware Harleen.

Harleen: It's rather strange, I know. People found dead with severe bites on their necks like a horde of piranhas nibbled on 'em. Some people are bein' abducted by armored creeps too!

Leslie: What's the point? Though I admit it is kinda strange but why would it concern us?

Harleen: Well these creeps are targetin' everyone from the shadows, I'm sayin' we got ourselves some competition and a real dangerous one at that.

Doris: Tch. Like some armored weirdos could step up to us, we own this city.

Carol: And how many times have we come close to ruling this city? Plenty because those superhero girls keep ruining our fun and putting us behind bars!

Harleen: Speakin' of them, did ya hear that they were caught in quite a pickle in catching the newcomers here?

Selina: Newcomers?

Harleen: Yeah! (Holds up a flashlight to illuminate her face) They say when those armored creeps take someone, a hauntin', hummin' sound is heard followed by a cloud of darkness with five strange beings appearin' and the next thing the hostages and the superhero girls get... is the kidnappers or what's left of 'em, their bodies nothin' but ashes in the wind...

Thunder and lightning struck in the background. Carol was spooked as Pam felt uneasy.

Harleen: Whoever these five are, they've been givin' the Superhero girls the slip and takin' no prisoners! From what Babsy was tellin' me, she said the kidnappers were vampires or somethin'.

DC superhero girls: Symbiotic DaywalkersWhere stories live. Discover now