Chapter Six: UA.

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After that day papa came home more often with aunt nemi and eventually I didn't need a nanny. Papa has been spending more time with me but I still felt Incomplete without Touya..I can't seem to sleep without him around anymore.

Eight years later. Izuku is 15, Touya is 19. (SORRY ABOUT THE AGE GAP BEING SO LARGE😭😭) This is UA's first day, shinsou is in 1A instead of mineta. Anyways begin.

I lay in bed not wanting to go to school yet dad banged on my door.

"Come on izu, its time to go!" He says through the door.

Time to go?! Ive been laying down way longer than I should have! I'm gonna be late!!!

I hurry and get up, rushing to get dressed, brush my teeth but didn't bother brushing my hair. I grab my bag which I packed the night before and rush out of my room to meet papa at the door.

"Finally" He chuckles. "Come on its already 6:45. we need to be there at 7" He says.

My mouth goes agape. I thought I was late but he's gonna be late not me! I'm gonna be hella early! I groan.

We arrive at the school ten minutes later, papa speeding the entire time as to not be late. Got pulled over once but when they saw he was a pro hero they let him go.

I sit in the front row by the window and stare out of it till I hear someone walk in and I turn to look at the person. Its a guy with white and red hair. He sits behind me and lays his head down. I pay no mind to it and continue staring out the window.

Around thirty minutes later the entire class had arrived and I began getting a migrane as they wouldn't shut up. I close my eyes and furrow my eyebrow.

I turn to the class and opens my eyes wide, my eyes turn red and my hair stands up and I yell. "SHUT UP!" Along with my father. I look over to him and him at me. I chuckle as does he.

The class looks around a bit confused but I just turn and look at papa.

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