Chapter Eight: USJ

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(Dabi and toga joined the LOV earlier than canon because plot device😍btw this will be in second person from now on. Btw shiggy didn't use the nomu. ALSO. I forgot to mention this is now in second pov and the "you" is dabi.)

My tired eyes threaten to fall shut as I look out the window of class. Papa already told me beforehand what's going on today so I need not pay any mind. It's almost heat season which reminds me of you not being here for me. I shut my eyes with a pained expression. I take in a deep breath through my nose.

"Today we will be heading to the USJ for specialized training in different environments." Papa begins, I continue to tune him out though everyone else listens intently. I scoff and look out of the window again. My face goes neutral. Though its a poker face. Thinking of you hurts, really bad..It feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest.

After around twenty minutes papa finishes his explaination and begins hurding us out of class to a bus. I sit in the front with papa, I got the window seat and lean on it, beginning to drift off to sleep. Apparently I fell asleep around half way through and we arrived around an hour later. Papa ended up waking me up so I could get off in time.

When we had gotten off I waited for everyone else while I listen to our favorite song, Papa watches carefully to make sure we don't leave anything(or anyone) in the bus. Once everyone is out Papa begins to lead us into the USJ. We walk inside the large building and I look around in awe. My lips part slightly as I admire all the areas, then I spot people downwards.

"Hey look! They even hired fake villains!" Denki says with a grin and slight laugh. Everyone's attention is now on them, Papa's eyes widen slightly.

"What? We didn't hire anyone..?" Papa says, turning to look at the people. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What's going on? Suddenly I smell a familiar scent and take my headphones out, high alert. I put my phone away and look around. I spot a man with dark hair who walks out of the large portal, he seems to be shocked about something and begin looking around. Our eyes meet. He immediately flashes me a devilish grin, handsome and looks at home upon his rugged and muscular features.

I grit my teeth as a faint blush appears on my cheeks,why the hell am I blushing? He isn't my mate I shouldn't feel attracted to him!

Papa looks to us with a panicked expression, "I'll hold them off. Iida, go call for the pros!" He says, Iida bolts to the exit and makes it out. Papa turns to run away.

"I'm coming with you. I can't let you fight alone when there's likely hundreds of them." I say, broadening my stance and standing up straight. I look him in the eyes with a stern expression. He sighs, relenting.

"Fine, bakugo, todoroki you come as well. The rest of you stay here-" He says, although stops when he see's the black fog man cover the exit. Suddenly we're all teleported to different areas.

"Shit." I grumble and look around. There's multiple villains surrounding me. I take a deep breath and widen my eyes. I activate my quirk and temporarily erase their quirks. They all turn to each other with complains then decide on just jumping me. I take a fighting stance, one leaps at me I use my other quirk to shoot him far away, into the water area.

After thirty minutes of holding them off and having their quirks erased I'm breathing heavy. Suddenly I'm teleported into the air. I'm falling quick yet use my quirk to slow my fall, though due to exhaustion and lack of sleep it suddenly stops working and i'm falling fast. I close my eyes, sure i'm going to hit the ground then I fall into a mans arms. Thinking it was one of my classmates for a brief moment I sigh when suddenly the scent hits me like a train.

"Toy." I mumble quietly and open my eyes to see the black haired man holding me. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

The man grins, "Correct you are doll." You(?) say in a deep and husky voice, your eyes are narrowed and you still have that grin from before.

"IZUKU!" Papa yells, making my eyes widen as I turn to look at him, You chuckle and lift me up farther. I purse my lips as I see Papa fighting multiple villains, as I was just moments ago, now being held by one. You lean your head down towards mine, your lips at my ear as you whisper, "I've missed you~" In a low and husky voice. My face flushes bright red, things are moving too quickly and I'm struggling to keep up.

"DABI, THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THE HERO BRAT!?" The light blue haired man yells. You looks over at him with a "tsk"

"Let me enjoy my reunion with my mate you asshat!" You growl in a threatening tone. Everyone stops in their tracks, even the villains, their eyes wide and jaws dropped in shock. Papa stares at you in disbelief but it sinks in since I wouldn't let a villain hold me otherwise. The blue haired man just grunts in disapproval and turns away.

Suddenly the blue hair man gets shot over and over again, I look towards the entrance to see the pro heros had arrived. All might jumped down and immediately started beating the villains senseless. The fog villain teleports the blue haired man away as he got shot. My eyes widen, I feel you hold me closer to you, seemingly instinctively. Suddenly the fog surround us and we get teleported somewhere else. Confusing me.

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