Chapter nine: Early Cycle

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We are suddenly teleported to which seems to be a bar. I lay in your arms as you look down at me. You don't give me a chance to move as you begin walking somewhere. I look down at my hands. I feel my head begin to spin as your scent overwhelms me, its been years that i've been deprived of you and that alone had a deal of damage and suddenly having all of you at once overwhelms my senses.

I turn my face away from you, I close my eyes and take in a deep breath and its all of your scent. I open my eyes in confusion. We're in your room. My eyes widen a bit and I look around, its clean, pretty empty besides a bed, dresser, and...a wall full of photos of me over the years. My breath catches in my throat, before I can look any longer you lay me down on your bed. I look up at you. You smirk.

A faint blush appears on my cheeks, I feel the room getting hotter and my clothes getting stuffy. I feel cramped yet want you closer. You raise your eyebrows as if you realize something, I whine, feeling the need to pull you closer yet refrain.

"I just triggered your heat didn't I..doll?" You ask with a cocky smirk. Making me realize thats what this is. I nod and shift a bit. Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable, which is commen when in heat. You lean down, closer to me as you prop your arm up next to my head.

"Do you trust me doll? I know its been a while since you've seen me but i'm still the same and want to help." You say, mostly to reassure me and ask for consent to help. I ponder and look up at you with pleading eyes.

"Please." I whine in responce, asking for help. You grin as if you had won the lottery.


You run your hand up my side, allowing it to rest on my waist. The amount of relief that alone gave me is immaculate.

"Toyyy~" I whine and hold your face in my hands, desperate. You chuckle and lean down, planting a soft kiss upon my lips. Its warm, slow yet passionate. You move to my neck, finding the scent gland you once marked and you smirk, you bite the area. Earning a soft moan from me, the harder you bite the better it feels.

My breathing becomes heavy and uneven, you leave multiple hickeys on my neck already. You slide my shirt off, looking over what you claim as yours. You smirk and run your hand up my body, enjoying the view. My breath catching in my throat as you do so, making me close my eyes and tilt my head up a bit. "mh~"

You take your shirt off, tossing it onto the floor, I hear it make contact and open my eyes to look at you and immediatly flush bright red as I admire your figure. Yes we both work out and although I have muscles too, yours far exceeds mine. I bite my lip slightly as I look at you.

A low chuckle escapes you, you slide your hand into my pants and grab my member. Which is already hard as a rock. You look up at me and smirk. You unzip my pants and pull it out.

"Well well doll~ Who knew you had quite the package." You say in a low tone as you grin. You stroke my member gently at a steady pace, I groan in pleasure and lean my head back.


The next day I lie in your bed, sevearly sore from the night before. Multiple hours of constant.."fun time." We went till after sunrise so probably around 6am...We had started at 5pm..The amount of stamina you have is insane. Unbelievable honestly. I snuggle up to you, my eyes closed yet I'm wide awake. You pull me into your embrace, hiding your face in my neck. I giggle softly.

"Toy~" I hum, you chuckle making me smile more.

After around a week later, I'm sitting at the bar, a shot of whiskey in my hand in my hand as I yawn and look down at my phone, multiple messages had assaulted my phone. All from papa of course.

Arms wrap around my waist and I immediatly set my phone down and lean into the embrace. "Hey toy~" I smile.

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