The cherry blosoms we sit by (Mitsubas pov AGAIN. Bc i hsve no life 🙂👎

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(A/N this is in the first year if higgh school. Nene repeated a year but still ends up meeting Hanako/Amane and Aoi. They also act a bit different but whatever.)

I looked out the window just thinking about life and how lucky I was. I mean, I'm still friends with my childhood friends Nene Yashiro and Amane Yugi. We met in out third year of elementary school.

Amane was a total nerd for astronomy. He seemed like the type who would ask for your zodiac sign before socializing. Nene had to repeat a year so we ended up in the same classes, and it's been us three ever since.

Back in elementary school we were often bullied. Yashiro was bullied because of her being a repeat student plus her daikon radish legs and i was bullied because I was friends with her, for my girly appearance and cocky attitude, not to mention the camera geek thing. But Nene taught me to love myself. Sure she might be why I'm so girly but I really couldn't care less. Im going to defend my friends the best I can.

This year was different we had to sit in alphabetical order. So I had to sit in front of a kid named Minamoto Kou, instead of Nene, but hey at least she was still there. I quickly realized that it was already lunch time so me and Nene sat on the roof to eat as nene kept talking about some random guy she had a crush on.

"Hey Souske" Nene asks "Do you think the bullies are here?" "Idk" I say shrugging my shoulders. "Just in case let's hide!" " who knows we might scare the space geek" Yashiro said as she drags me to a somewhat hidden side of the roof. It was beautiful! "Hey Souske how about you take your camera so you can take some pics?" Yashiro asks "Sure Nene" I say still a little mesmerized by the beautiful view of the garden clubs plants underneath us.

"So who do you have a crush on!" Nene asks desperately "Is it that kid behind you" "Kou Minamoto right" "EEEEEEEEKK" "SO CUTE" she squealed. I was in shock but eventually understood what she meant. I WAS BLUSHING!!! I MEAN WHY WOULDN'T I MY FRIEND JUST SHIPPED ME WITH SOME RANDOM ASS KID IVE NEVER MET OR TALKED TO. "NO OF COURSE NOT IM WAY TOO GOOD FOR HIM" i say strongly denying it.

"But if you're so interested in my love life then hows it going with Amane?"  I say smirking but as soon as she was going to say something we heard a loud thud on ground. We poked our heads out of the side of the staircase only to see that there were a few older kids who were bullying Amane and since he was my friend too I tried to help him.

But before I could I heard a guy telling them to stop. "Hey now bullies are bad" the guy says "But if you are going to pick someone. Why not me?~" he said taunting them as if he was able to beat them with out trying. They looked at him confused but then they quickly realized he meant business. THE GUY STARTED TO HIT THEM!? DID HE HAVE SOME SORT OF DEATH WISH I thought

"OH WOW GETTING ALL COCKY JUST BC UR A MINAMOTO?!" Huh I thought I've Minamoto somewhere else... There was a blonde boy in my class but Minamoto was something else. OH HES THE ONE FIGHTING!!! I said as I mentally slapped myself. At this point Amane had maneged to see and move toward us. Amane said "wow I never thought that a Minamoto would save me."  "Whats so special about him?" I ask nene gives a confused look.

"You really don't know!?" Amane asks "Noooooooo" I say sarcastically "Alright so hes a direct descendent of the Minamoto clan. The one that is said to be a elite group of assassins!apperently they're so good of a group they were never caught." Amane says

"Wait a sec he's my neighbor..." I say shocked that I never noticed my classmate/neighbor. "Well that's a shock." Nene says. What do we do?" "Do we just leave him or do we help?" Nene says practically shivering. "If he's an assassin then we should be good?" Amane says.

"Well thank him tomorrow ig" i say as we leave quickly and quietly.

The day after me, Nene and Amane left the school roof, we decided to look for the supposed assassin, Kou Minamoto.

We walked in late so we decided to just go to class. I saw him sitting behind me so when class started I passed him a note that said "thanks goe helping my friend yesterday! Meet at the school roof at lunch?"

Not even 4 minutes later he had already answered me " Aren't you scared of me?" The note said. "No, now r we gonna meetup?" I tried my best to reply fast. "Sure" he again replied on the piece of paper.

~Time skip~

Lunch time rolls around I quickly meet up with Amane and Nene so we could go say thank you to the boy who saved our asses yesterday. We go to the roof not talking but think about that mystery boy.

The only thing I could think of was "why did he save us? Did he know? Or does he want to bully us?" I thought yo myself as we reached the roof.

I saw Kou looking at the beautiful view when he turned to me and said "so whats up?" "Well we just wanted to ask why did you help me?" Amane asked.

"Oh that" "i cant stand arrogant people who think they're better than everyone else" Kou said bluntly. "So is that all?" he said as he he got closer to my face. It was so close i could feel his warm breath.

"Yea, no." I say as I pushed him away. "We also wanted to thank you for what you did because those idiots always beat us up" I said as I lifted up my sleeve to reveal several cuts and wounds.

Bold () are my little comments.

Kou stared at my wounds as nene and Amane also showed there scar's. "You guys have been putting up with this!?" Kou says shocked. "Well its not like we have another choice..." nene says.

"You know what. I think I'll stick with you guys just to see if those bitches leave you alone." He says. He sounded so determined ti help us that it kinda felt heartwarming.

"In that case wanna have lunch together?" Amane asked. "Sure thing!" Kou said. Funny the second he said that its like all that tension disappeared. I thought to myself.

"Well i guess this means we're friends now!" Nene says. "And that means we can trust each other right?" Kou says "RIGHT" we all say.  "so lets get to know each other." Kou says

"You start kid"  Amane says. "Well uhh okay" he says with a smile so bright you forget about your worry's. (Simping much mitsuba?)

"Im the middle child, i have an older brother and younger sister." "I know im not supposed to tell anyone but I trust you guys so" he says as he pulls us closer.

"Im also kinda a secretly bi and ab assassin". Kou says. "I support you no matter if your bi or a killer" Nene says. "Same here" Amane says. "I don't think i have a choice i mean i AM gay."

"But even if I wasn't id still suport." "And same for the whole assassin thingy" i say waving my arms around like a little kid.

"Well now its my turn." I say "well im gay, girly and the best photographer in the world 😍😘" kou just looks at me staring of in to space. SHIT DID I MESS UP!? I thought to myself.

"You're funny mitsuba." Kou says smiling. *thump* *thump* my heart was beating faster each minute. And thats when I relized something.

I relized i was inlove...

with kou?...

I remembered this feeling...

(A/N this took a bit too long D: but whatever ima do a lil short story i came up with next but pt2 is still coming)

Actually non pt.2 ik lazy and work on other things.

I had a part two but it deleted it even though it was 1000+ words :(

Word cound •3• : 1401

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