Mitsumom has a favorite 😔/ Short

84 6 2

(They're on their walk home from school)
Mitsuba: Oh my mom just texted.
Mitsuba: Kouuuuu
Kou: what now?
Mitsuba: my mom wants to meet you.
Kou: rn?
Mitsuba: rn.

(Time skip)

*he opens the door to his house*

Mitsumom: Kou-kun is that you?
Kou: Oh um hey Mrs mitsuba, it's a pleasure to meet you. *bows*
Mitsumom: Aw how sweet! No need to be so formal! Please just take a seat, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes.
Kou: oh um okay!

*kou follows her*

Mitsuba: what about me?....

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