How i feel about you./Short. (Mistuba pov)

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(A/n: TW: Mentions of abuse ALIVE AU!!! This is the way I think to my girlfriend(?) (I'm mitsuba and she's Kou). No I am not sorry for this. I'm quite happy. So I am not sorry for this "friend" of mine.) (I'm praying she doesn't see this but I'm a risky person.) IF YOU SEE THIS DONT TALK TO ME.

-Mitsuba pov-

[Mitsuba diiiiaaaalooooguuueeee]

It Monday. I don't like Monday. Or, I didn't used to like them. I used to hate them. Id wake up and go to school. But then. I met that stupid blondie. I went to school and survived it, For. him. We were friends in kindergarten, but we stopped talking after a bit since I moved classes and he moved houses.

That was eight years ago.

Now I'm a camera geek who's obsessed with literature. And not to mention, that blonde reappeared in my life in the sixth grade. He's supported me all the way, making sure I feel okay, making stupid cute crafts for me, recommending books and looking super into them.

I will admit, he fits my type. I like someone who has a cute personality. Not better than mine! Just close.... He always plays with my face, specifically my cheeks, when I lay down. He always takes things from me like the little thief he is. He takes my gum, free time, and, takes my reading glasses.

It's super weird....

But it's not like I mind.

...he looks... okay...

I just... am awestruck.

I like Kou, i do. I get jealous when he's with his friends. When he talks and shares an interest with someone who isn't me. Even when he whispers to someone who isn't me. When one of his friends get too close. When someone gives him a cute nickname, it irritates me to pieces.

I want him. I need him. But... we're only middle schoolers. What if we stop dating and eventually cut all our ties... what if he wants to kiss me!?... what if he wants to be intimate?... what if I'm not ready for a new relationship...

Especially since my last one consisted of a lot of mental manipulation and mental abuse. (Yeah that happened irl. But I'm doing okay now! :D)

I thought they didn't leave a scar. I've been through way worser times. Like the time I had to go and cry in Sakura's arms because I didn't know what to do when Kou confessed his romantic feelings for me.

I didn't mention it for the last two weeks before the end of summer. Not once. I was terrified of my reality..

"I love you too"

And now...

"MITSUBA!" I heard an enthusiastic male say. I then let out a small "huh!" "Pay attention to our guest speakers!" My teacher said before I nodded in agreement. In reality, I didn't give a damn about them. I had Kou in my head, I wanted to keep him there.

Kou was in my head. In twenty different scenarios. Yet, I didn't mind it at all. He's soothing and his presence is comforting and soft. His eyes are like crazy weird. I tend to look at them with a loving gaze for years.

But back to my dilemma, what if i find someone else who makes me happier?.. will we stay friends?... am I too clingy?... am I not clingy enough?... am I being cringe?... is this,... just some teenage hormones?...

I don't know.

I don't know at all...

But.... I'm willing to risk it all for him.

I'm terrified of Kou, yet, so in love.

But I know one thing for sure.

Kou is a risk Im willing to take.

(A/n: Sorry not sorry. If you do ever see this. Yes I'm scared of a relationship because of how my last one ended but you're too damn good to not at least try.)

(A/n: So she gave me permission to @ her so here ig Sangwoo_69 HeidiUchihaUzumaki69)

Word count: 671

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