His heart beat (Mitsuba's pov bc i can only do that apperently 😘🫶)

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(A/N: They can live. im bored so sorry in advance for misspellings, bad grammar, in correct information and more 😨)

Today is February 12. 2 days until my confession. I hate expressing myself. I thought he was a one week crush or something. Its been 4 years. I hate that I'm in love with him. I hate is so much that i love and crave his affection.

I fell in love with him on Valentine's Day, as chessy as that sounds. I fell in love with him when he protected me from some bullies who were recking my shit.

He didn't hurt them, he just told them off, the thing I couldn't do. Ever since then, i tell people off to express how i feel. It's something he taught me to do so I don't ever want to stop, as much as I hate these lovey dovey feelings, sometimes it's almost like they make me stronger.

Godamn I sound like a head over heels teen girl. Maybe a one of those crazy fangirl shippers? (Thats me man, move aside 🥱) what were they called? Hardcore shippers? Proshipers?

"Cmon Mitsuba!!! Answer meeee!!!" I look up and Amane who's holding Nene is his arms, like the love birds they are. "What did you ask? I wasn't paying attention." I responded somewhat coldly. "Ouch. Anyways.. I asked did you hear the valentines rumors about-" Nene covered his mouth.

"Stop telling people inappropriate things!" She scolded him. "But they're just the rumors!?" Amane responded muffled thanks to nene's hand, not that I blame her. "Everyone knows you and tsukasa are the ones spread them." I responded. "Its really not that hard to figure out." I said bluntly.

"Oh shut up!" "We got bored!" He says pushing nenes hand off him. "HEEEEYYYY!!!" "SORRY IM LATE!" "I just had some..." "last minute things to do?" Looked to see the very odd friend i have. Tsukasa yugi, Amane's younger twin brother!

Haha! He sucks in all honesty. Not everyone likes him, but i try to be nice, i mean it doesn't hurt. Right? (He killed you but mk 😀👍)

Anyways. I still need to talk to them so whatever. "So um... about Valentine's day..." I muttered. "Oh yeah. You're confession." Nene said as I nodded. "So you came here to show us your 'master plan' so go on Mitsuba." I smiled as Amane said those reassuring words.

"So my plan is to take him to the confession tree and then tell him. Nice and easy." I smile but that smile quickly fades... everyone was looking at me expecting a 'just kidding' or something.

"Is something wrong with my plan?" I ask worriedly. "Its just... a little too cliché." Akane says. "Yeah I'll have to agree with him" Aoi says. Everyone just looks at me with pity at this point. "GRRR!!!?" "THEN WHAT DO IF YOURE SOOO SMART!?" I say almost in tears.

"Kill em'!" Hanako says before getting a smack on the head by nene. God shes awesome when you need her. Am i... falling for her!? Am I falling love with... Nene Yashiro?...


"Just be yourself mitsuba. Then if he doesn't like your confession, them he doesn't like you." Nene says. Those words left a hole in my stomach. (Little does he know c:) "GOD THIS IS SO STUPID!!!!" I blurted out before running to the roof top.

They all started to try and confort me as i sat in a corner, camera in hand. Eventually they left, its not like i care anyway! But then I suddenly heard a soft voice asking "Hey,... you okay?" I turned around about to yell another insult when I realized it was Kou. Suddenly my anger was gone. I swear i felt my heart in my throat.

"I-i... im fine." GODAMN IT! I DONT WANNA STUTTER RIGHT NOW! I SOUND LIKE A STUPID PETITE GIRL FROM FANFICS!!! OR A STUPID BOTTOM!!! Ugh! "You don't look fine." "Go ahead and cry, I won't snitch." It was in that moment I noticed i was wrapped in kous arms.

Feeling his warm embrace I began crying. I cried and cried for minutes. After a few minutes, around 30 minutes later I stopped and calmed down. I still didn't leave him though. "W-wanna go take some pictures?" I gingerly ask "Sure" he responded with that stupidly cute smile.

After a fun afternoon, Kou walked me home. Now im on my bed trying to fall asleep but all i can think about is Friday's confession. Especially since its so cliché. I mean it is on Valentine's day. Anyways. It's probably time to sleep now. Its like 1:00 am!?

"Have you heard the rumor? On Valentine's day, if you plan use to the confession tree... it might work too well... resulting in...."

Rumor has it that the old confession tree is cursed. How so? Well...

February 13th
(For once the dates matter 😀👍)

*Ring ring ring*

God what the hell!? Oh shit. Its time to wake up. Well... i mean... five minutes won't hurt?

~120 minutes later (2 hours, i think)~

"And thats why im late." I explained to the ed sheeran in front of me. "Well you totally bailed on me in math! You're supposed to help me cheat remember!?" The cutie, who's the closest to my cuteness, whines as he speaks.

"That's your fault for relying on me too much" i say with my cockyness taking over. "But-" is all he managed to get out before i cut him off. "I don't blame you fully though, who wouldn't want a cutie like me as tutor!" I say mocking him and his lack of attention in math.

"You're mean." He argues. I don't mind obviously his words aren't what he truly thinks of me. At least i hope not. Godamnit he probably does. "Well i may be mean but you still love me right!?" I say teasing him but also just genuinely wanting to know.

"Whatever" he says blowing off my question. WHICH BY THE WAY WAS SUPER RUDE! "Aww cmon just admit it!" I giggled and took this opportunity to add on to my teasing. "You probably have a secret crush on me!" I giggled to hide the fact i was genuinely looking for an answer.

"...." I moment of silence dispersed across our faces. Or Kou's at least. Not me though. Im a perfect actor! "So you're admitting it?" I asked with my sleeve over my mouth as i gave him a teasing glare. "Mitsuba... thats gay." He says before bursting out into laughter.

Believe it or not it was last month when kou came out to me as bisexual. He said he used to have feelings for a boy and just recently understood what that meant. "So you do like me?" I say fluttering my eye lids like his answer wasn't about to either kill me or over fill me with euphoria. (Overwhelming happiness for those who don't wanna google it)

"Oh cmon man!" Oh shit is he actually confessing? "You know I love you!" Oh my fucking god. "How could i not love my best friend!?" Oh right he's a dumbass. Well its not like i care.. not at all...

"That's true." "I am the perfect friend!" I say desperately trying not to cry. "Oh um by the way Im having a sleepover with Nene so I have to go, bye!" I said before i fled the scene. I know he likes me and Nene. Its just that he like likes her.

And not me...

(A/n: i broke my own heart.)
Word count: 1265

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