🎟️❤️Halt x Child!Reader

482 10 33

*drowns in too many fluff reqs*

TW: swearing as always

(Y/N) is around 11 btw

Enjoy uwu

(Y/N) slowly got out of the elevator, holding their little flashlight in their hands. They saw the locked door and the key on the wall, so they figured out they should take the key and unlock the door.

"It worked!" (Y/N) mummbled.

They kept going, and soon enough, Eyes spawned at door 5.

(Y/N) looked down, not because thats how you avoid Eyes, but hecause they're scared of them. They slowly crawled to the door, and Eyes despawned.

(Y/N) sighed, relieved. They kept going through the doors, and they soon got to door 17,where the lights flickered. But it wasn't your ussual Rush or Ambush.

They were confused. They knew that when the lights flickered, they needed to hide, but the lights only flicker for 2 seconds. Now, the lights flickered for 10 seconds.

"Huh?" (Y/N) thought for a while, and decided to continue.

Upon opening the door, Halt appeared behind (Y/N)'s back. (Y/N) ran as fast as they could, but Halt spawned infront of them, and damaged them.

(Y/N) fell, and twisted their ankle, ultimately not being able to finish this so called "chase".

Halt stopped behind them, and lowered himself. (Y/N) tried to crawl away but couldn't.

"Please don't hurt me again!" (Y/N) hid themselves behind their arms.

"How.. How old are you... Exactly?" Halt asked, confused.

"11.. Well.. I'll turn 11 in a week.." (Y/N) said, still scared.

"Then what the fuck are you doing here? You're way to young to be the average visitor." Halt refuses to use the term 'player'. This one was way too young to be here either way. He won't and never will kill a young visitor. That's not what he does. Visitors like theese don't deserve to die. They haven't even lived half of their life yet! And other kill thoose like (Y/N)

It was a long moment of silence. Halt and (Y/N) stared at eachother. Halt started searching through the drawers, and surprisingly, they found some bandages.

Halt helped (Y/N) bandage up their leg and picked them up.

"What-" (Y/N) was cut off by Halt.
"I'm taking you to Glitch. He's a better nurse than I am."

"You should thank me for not killing you and getting you help. The others would have killed you without a doubt" Halt was surprisingly quick not only in his speaking, but he was passing through the doors so fast-.

"Thank you. Thank you alot." (Y/N) smiled warmly towards the entity.

"Why the hell are you here anyway? It's odd. This is not the first time we got a child in here.. Yet it seems like most other entities refuse to kill children they like." Halt couldn't help but wonder what the fuck is happening? Are parents jus abandoning their unwanted children here, leaving them for dead?

Whatever was happening, Halt didn't like it.

"I just remember that my mom said this is a place where other children my age hang out..."

"Your mom is fucking awful." Halt pat (Y/N) on the head.

They got to Glitch who wasn't surprised that Halt popped out of nowhere with a child. It was ussual for it to happen now.

"Another one? What happened to this one.."

"Twisted their ankle on my hallway" Halt sighed.

"I told you thoose nasty carpets of yours are dangerous." Glitch was annoyed, but bandaged (Y/N)'s leg quietly. "Does it hurt?"

"Kind of.." (Y/N) accidentally pulled their leg closer, but let Glitch finish bandaging them up.

Since nobody had the strenght to drag a bed all the way here, (Y/N) was sitting on Halts' lap.

Halt gave (Y/N) little headpats every once in a while.

"Why the fuck are parents abandoning theur children here?" Halt looked at Glitch.

"Do you think I know? I also find it weird. Do they really don't want their children?"

"Mommy never liked me because i got daddy's eyes. She always did bad stuff to me :(" (Y/N) confessed.

Halt and Gltich gave a quick glance to eachother and came to a conclusion: they would take care of (Y/N).



No, I dont ship Halt x Glitch. Its called teamwork 🤓

Plus all the entities would take care of (Y/N).

I'll try to make one req per day

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