V1 E5: Team Issues

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General POV


The day after Andy and Ruby visited Equestria and nabbed themselves some magic RWBY and ARAE were eating breakfast together at the same table. But RWBY was squabbling over how the hell they caused that single bomb to explode.

Ruby: "-it wasn't my fault!" she yelled.

Weiss: "Yes it was! Your childish behavior, your young age, and your sense of humor need to get a leash!" she yelled, "If you didn't make me chuckle I wouldn't have triggered the bomb's firing mechanism!"

Ruby: "That was your own fault! Besides it was obvious I was trying to joke around so why did you still try installing the piece?!" she yelled.

Weiss: "Because your jokes thus far were so cliche I didn't even care!" she yelled, "If I knew you were gonna impersonate Jacques Schnee then I would've mentally prepared myself for it!"

Ruby: "Wait.....that was your dad...? I was impersonating Cardin." she said.

Weiss: "Oh you stupid dolt!" she yelled.

Yang: "Hey! Get off my Lil Sis's back!" she said, finally.

Weiss: "Oh and don't get me started on you! Since initiation you've been going out partying every other night and slacking on the massive amounts of homework we've piled up!" she yelled.

Yang: "What homework?" she asked.

Weiss: "SEE?! If you had stayed on campus for more than 24 hours you would've known Professor Port had told us to read up on the Grimm!" she yelled.

Ruby: "Hey leave my sister alone!" she yelled, "She's been through more than you Princess!"

The fight continued escalating with Ruby visibly getting angrier with Weiss, as evidenced by Ruby's right arm slowly starting to glow red with her magic.

Andy: "Geez girls, calm down." he said, trying to ease the tension.

Weiss: "And you!" she yelled, instead just turning on him, "You have done nothing to help her grow in any way! I bet you've barely done squat for your own team!"

Alex: "Not true you entitled little brat." he said, sticking up for Andy, "He's lobbed his own weight around more than I bet you have for your own team."

Weiss: "Oh that is so not true!" she harrumphed.

Ruby and Yang deadpan her, Weiss wasn't exactly the most helpful.

Weiss: "On the subject of useless things, you!" she yelled, pointing at Eris.

Eris: "Eep!" she yelped.

Weiss: "You shouldn't even be near here, your family-" she starts but is cut off by Andy.

Andy: "SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!" he yelled with a audible growl at the end.

Weiss backed down at Andy's yell, which had unintentionally been backed up by Full Cowling and also stopped CRDL from going after Velvet again and instead pissing their pants.

Andy: "I may not be a leader but I am not letting you trash talk my partner like that!" he yelled, impressing Alex ever so slightly.

Alex: "Damn Andy." he muttered.

Weiss: "B-but-..." she trailed off.

Roy: "We don' wanna hear it ye stupi' bitch!" she yelled, "Any secrets Eris 'ere may have, she'll give i' in her own time! Fur now! Leave her ass alone!"

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