V1 E7: Fighting Atlas

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General POV

Picking up where last chapter left off 10 Atlas Airships flew in from the clouds, with massive wings of fighters joining them. On the water were 7 Battleships, all resembling Pennsylvania Class Battleships and no support craft. As they closed in on the trio Andy heard some conversation from the ship's spirits.

07: "Let's get these bastards!" she yelled.

02: "Yeah, leave the big flat deck for me!" she called.

04: "Save some of her ass for me!" he yelled.

05: "Sure bro, she'll be all yours when we're done here." she said.

This pissed off Enty and caused Andy to crack his neck.

Alex: "Alright people, lock and load!" he ordered, "Andy send a few Wildcats into the air, deal with their air ships, my Apache's right behind you. Yama and me will focus on surface warfare but you can send in some SBD's."

With a nod and a bright flash of blue Andy summoned his riggings and glared downrange at the Pennsylvania Class wannabes.

04: "....oh boy..." he said.

06: "That's a dude..." she said.

Andy: "I have a name y'know." he said.

03: "Oh, you're Andy Yan." she said, "Born on August 29, 2007 in the Asian Hospital located in Metro Manila, Country; Philippines, a sort of stopgap in terms of power, but really strategic positioning."

Andy growled, of course Oum told Ozpin who told Ironwood and his ships overheard.

Andy: "Grr....LET'S DROP SOME LEAD ON THOSE MOTHERF-!!!" he started yelling.

Alex: "FIRE!!!" he yelled instead.

16 inch and 18 inch guns roared as Andy launched every squadron he had into the battle and rapidly climbed to answer the air fleet's challenge. Meanwhile up in Ironwood's flagship the General and his right hand woman Winter Schnee oversaw all operations.

Officer: "Sir, Mantle Class Battleships sustaining massive damage from first salvo." he reported, "And the flat top has launched aircraft, they're climbing harder and faster than any of our aircraft could ever hope to."

Winter: "Impossible!" she exclaimed.

Ironwood: "Return to stations, we have a few ships to seize." he orders.

Back on his planes Andy's entire airwing charged angrily towards the airfleet and started reeking havoc with TBD's kamikaze-ing into airships while SBD's and F4F's engaged in vicious dogfights all in clear view of Ironwood and Winter.

Andy: "Oh c'mon boys, I can fight you guys in my sleep! This really the best you have to offer?" he taunted. *

The bullheads continued dropping like flies however and it seemed Yamato had firing issues, so he left his F4F's to feast on the vulnerable Bullheads as the SBD's began their dives, one set including the plane he was on dove towards 02 who Andy later learned was named AKS Atlas, 04 named AKS Patch, and 03 named AKS Vale.

As the SBD's roared down on the 3 ships, minimal flak and resistance was put up by the crews, underneath one of the crewmembers aboard AKS Atlas was peeling some potatoes as the General Quarters buzzer rang.

Cook: "Tch, Atlas is the best kingdom, nothing's gonna happen to this ship." he said ignorantly.

As he said this Andy's squadron released their bombs which all landed somewhere near or on the ship. One dropped right in front of the cook and fell into A Turret's ammo magazine.

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