V1 E11: Kancolle Pt 2

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General POV

The next day Andy woke up before the sun rose, Akagi and Kaga were still snoring softly in their bunks and breakfast was yet to be served so Andy decided to do a bit of training. So he got up, changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie before making his way to the docks before summoning his riggings and jumping onto the water. 

Andy: "Ok....nothing radical...just practice..." he said, trying to limit how much he showed off. 

Enterprise: "Don't hold back Andy, even in practice or hell a shakedown cruise you do not hold back." she said, "Now, as one of my captains once said, 'let's see what she's got.'"

Andy looked upwards curiously, how does she know what the Enterprise-A went through? 

Enterprise: "I'll explain when we're done here." she said, sensing his curiosity, "Now, let's go!"

Andy's confused expression was traded for one of determination as he crouched down and got ready to shoot off. Meanwhile Ruby had been out on a morning jog when she ran into Fubuki.

Fubuki: "Oh! Hello Haragumo-Chan." she greeted. 

Ruby: "Hi Fubuki!" she greeted back, "Out for a morning jog too huh?" 

Fubuki: "Yup, you saw how combat inept I am, so I'm trying to get stronger so I don't hold the fleet down!" she yelled. 

Ruby: "This feels familiar..." she muttered, "Well, I'm heading back to the dorms, this base is massive!" 

Fubuki: "I guess you can say that." she smiled. "I'll follow you." 

The 2 Destroyer Girls made their way to the dorms but on the way there they had to duck as one of Andy's SBD's raced way low above their heads. 

Fubuki: "HOLY WOAH!!" she yelped. 

Ruby: "That must mean Enterprise is out practicing." she said, starting to run as she made her way to the pier side. 

Fubuki followed Ruby and they watched, leaning against the railings, as Andy glided across the water confidently, destroying targets and maneuvering sharply as he went along. His riggings weren't on standby either, when he gets in range of targets he would sometimes use his flight deck to hit them alongside OFA infused fists and feet. 

Fubuki: "Woah..." she trailed off in awe. 

Ruby: "He's holding back a little." she noted, pointing as Andy made a turn, "Look, he was way wide when he did that turn and he's a little slower than normal on his straights." 

Fubuki: "You 2 must be really close to know all that about each other." she said. 

Ruby: "Y-yeah, you can say that..." she stuttered with a slight blush. 

Andy on the other hand destroyed another target with Enterprise telling him what he did wrong in his head. 

Enterprise: "Oi, you're wide on your turns and pick up the pace slowpoke!" she yelled, "Push your limits and see what you can do!" 

Andy started tightening his turns and his chicanes as his speed started climbing above 40 knots. His kills also started getting more violent as he started to take his training wheels off and go wild. His punches got faster, his arrows glowed brighter, his swings were faster and aimed for areas that would be more vital on a human body, and his planes were also becoming more violent in what maneuvers they accomplished. 

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