Faux Very Far Future Chapter

105 2 0

General POV

(May be somewhat different from final version but certain elements shall remain)

Beacon was overrun by Grimm, Atlesian Airships were dropping like flies, the only things keeping Beacon from falling were Missouri and Enterprise but they weren't enough.

Alex: "We need backup!" he yelled.

Andy: "No shit Sherlock!" he yelled back, closing his eyes to guide another squadron in on an attack run.

Yang: "We've got another swarm of fliers incoming!" she called out, "I don't think the AA can keep up!"

Weiss: "Holy crap they're fast!" she yelped.

Yamato: "Another Airship's going down!" she called.

As if to make everything worse the Grimm Dragon came out to play. But Andy didn't care about this...he'd noticed something...his vision....it had some kind of...window? Curious he made the gesture and clicked on it, not knowing what would happen....his vision suddenly changes from the perspective of an SBD on an attack run....to somewhere out in the emptiness of space.

A few lightyears away was Fleet Museum an old Starfleet Dock that had been converted to house legendary starships from years past, the likes of the USS Defiant, USS Voyager, HMS Bounty, USS New Jersey (A Constitution Class Starship prior refit), and finally USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A and oh boy she was a looker with sleek refit lines, shining white paint, and it was such an icon of the fleet and the silver screen too.

She rested calmly in her new home, visited frequently as everyone wanted a chance to step aboard Kirk's Enterprise...but then as Andy clicked the window...something sparked...something ignited...something switched on....something.....gave Enterprise A her life force back, she had another chance to be a hero, an icon, something people looked up towards, something that everyone begged their parents to get a glimpse at.

Andy: "Holy fucking shit..." he said as he realized what he could control.

Enterprise: "Well this is a welcome surprise." she said.

Alex and Missouri looked at Andy and Enterprise really fucking confused as they couldn't see what they were seeing.

Missouri: "Dafuq are you 2 talking about?" she asked.

Andy: "I think I've got some help inbound." he said.

Andy essentially hijacked the Enterprise A's systems like Kirk and his bridge crew had done to steal the original Starship Enterprise. Enterprise A's lights flashed on, her anti-matter reactors came online, her fusion reactor managed to drag itself out of retirement, its thrusters roaring to life, its shields ready to deploy, her warp drive eager to take a good long stretch after so damn long, her impulse engines on standby, and live ammunition, still onboard in case of a situation like this, ready to fire.

Andy: "Alright...let's see what she's got." he said, quoting Kirk from the end of Star Trek IV.

Back in Fleet Museum, the Enterprise A was out of its berth and using its thrusters to get into position.

???: "Sir..." he trailed off.

???2: "What?" he asked.

???: "Someone's stolen the Enterprise again...."  he reported.

???2: "WHAT?!" he yelled incredulously.

Enterprise A had indeed been stolen, for noble causes but still, Andy guided Enterprise A to face Remnant before chopping his hand forward.

Andy: "Engage Warp Speed!" he ordered.

Enterprise A's Nacelles glowed a mesmerizing shade of blue before the Constitution Refit roared away at Warp....3 in current scale I think and Warp 8 in the older scale.

???2: "I am so fired..." he groaned.

A few minutes later, the battle was basically the same but now the students were pushed back to Beacon Tower.

Sun: "Andy, what the fuck is that help you got?!" he yelled.

Neptune: "Yeah! It's looking kinda bleak no offense." he said.

Andy: "Should be here in 3....2...." he trailed off.

The group then heard a loud bang as something then whooshed down towards them, before 2 orbs of red raced down and slammed into the Earth, killing many Grimm as they both detonated.

Andy: "Ladies, Gentlemen, whatever you identify as, I'd like you to meet the former pride of Starfleet, Captain James Tiberius Kirk's last official command, and a very pretty face, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A!" he announced.

As if on cue the Constitution Refit broke through the clouds, Phaser Banks humming and Torpedo Launcher roaring. The dragon noticed the newcomer and ordered everything that could be in range to attack thinking her to be another unshielded Airship, but Enterprise A wasn't like the Atlesians her shields held and her weapons thinned the heard enough to warrant the Dragon to get off its ass and engage.

A/N: Well, this is just one for the very far future I'm thinking of doing.

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