Meeting someone new?

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The sky was orange and pink with a dash of blue. The miniature birds sang their morning song and the trees danced in the breeze. It was time to get ready for the day. Rhea sprung out of bed straight to the kitchen. As she took her small expedition to the kitchen she detected a small white envelope on her door mat. It was from the company wwe. Rhea jumped up and down in exhilaration. She peeled open the letter and read the following words, "we would like to welcome you to wwe as you have been accepted to come wrestle for us on Monday night raw!" Rhea couldn't believe what she had just read. Within a blink of an eye she was already calling all her friends and family. The time had suddenly flew by quicker then rhea could think. It was practically just time to get ready for raw. She shoved anything and everything into her suitcase : gear, bandages, water, extra clothes, shoes, literally anything she could find. Soon after she flung her belongings into the back seats of the car and climbed into the drivers seat. Rhea was ready to live her dream. After around 2 hours of endless driving, she finally arrived at the arena that she always aspired to work at. Rhea headed inside the mountainous building straight to the locker rooms. She was instantly greeted by all the wrestlers. However, one certain wrestler caught her eye. She was short maybe around 5'3, blonde hair and sea blue eyes. Rhea's stomach immediately felt as if thousands of butterflies were fluttering in there. She went over and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Rhea Ripley I just got in today."
"Hi Rhea I'm Liv Morgan and now your new best friend!" Liv replied.
"Or maybe more than friends," Rhea joked (or did she). They both laughed and spoke for a few minutes before getting changed into their gear.
"You ready to lose bestie?!" Rhea exclaimed.
"Mmm are you sure I'm the one losing ? Because I'm sure I'm going to win so WATCH ME!" Liv said confidently. The backstage crew escorted Rhea and Liv to the gorilla where they would wait for their cue. Rhea's entrance echoed through out the arena. She walked out with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. She climbed the ring and made it into too the centre. She took in all the glory before Liv's entrance blasted through the loud speakers. She gracefully wandered to the ring with a look of pure joy across her whole face. Rhea and liv were now face to face both frozen in their stance. They stared into each others eyes with compassion and love. The bell chimed three times as the match had now begun. They both battled their way through the match. Rhea noticed liv was out of energy and so she took her chances and did her signature move 'riptide' .She pinned liv 1... 2... 3... The bell chimed three more times and Rhea's hand was raised by the referee. She peered over at liv lifeless and finding it hard to breath. She walked over to liv, raised her hand and gave her the respect she deserved.
Rhea whispered in liv's ear, "You were amazing!"

They both accompanied each other back stage. "Wow! You need to teach me how you do that .You're amazing at wrestling," liv said. Rhea blushed at liv's comment.
"Practise makes perfect I guess. Wanna come back to my place? Get to know each other a bit more and I could teach you a few pointers on wrestling," Rhea suggested.
"Sure why not I've got nothing else to do," liv said.
Rhea and liv get into Rhea's car.

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now