The night club party

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Rhea and Liv had the idea to go to a night club with all their friends to celebrate their victory. They both had arrived early so they could have a little fun by themselves. Music started to play so Liv grabbed onto Rhea's arm and pulled her over to the dance floor. They started dancing for a little while before people started to arrive: Sasha, Bayley, Jey, Jimmy, Solo, Becky, Seth, Raquel and lot's more. After everyone had arrived Rhea decided to go do a shot contest against Seth to see who could drink the most. They both sat down across from each other at a small table as everyone circled around them. 12 shots each lined up in front of both of them. One by one Rhea and Seth gulped down the shots like it was nothing. All of them were gone within minutes so they decided to go for round 2. Another 5 shots lined up front of them. Seth tapped out. He couldn't drink anymore. Rhea jumped up onto the table and started dancing and singing the words to the song that was playing. They all went onto the dance floor and Liv went to the bar to get a drink, but as she did a middle aged man approached her asking to buy her a drink. Liv declined his offer and ignored him so that he would get bored and leave. Rhea noticed the man and walked over to Liv and gave her a kiss.
"You okay love? You should come dance with us," Rhea said whilst trying her best to hint to the man that Liv was in a relationship and was not interested. Liv followed Rhea to the dance floor.
"There's a lot of people looking at you right now like they want to kiss you," Liv said.
"Well that's too bad they can stare all they want," Rhea said whilst leaning in closer to Liv so she could kiss her and make all the others jealous. Around an hour later Rhea was very drunk and was messing up every sentence. Liv had gone to the bathroom. Whilst she was in there around 3 people went up to Rhea trying to ask her out and even attempting to kiss her. As Liv walked out of the bathroom she noticed it instantly and was furious with all three of the women.
"OI! Bitches over here!" Liv shouted.
"Ew who are you?" One of the women said.
"She's my gf you bitch!" Rhea said.
"You can do way better than her honey," all three women said. Rhea gave them all a death stare and said, "You seriously think I'd rather go out with someone like you? You're more toxic than my ex plus you're ugly as fuck!" Rhea said. One of the women slapped Rhea across the face. Liv stepped in front of Rhea and slapped the woman so hard her mouth started bleeding.
"That's what you get! BITCH!" Liv said. The woman almost broke down in tears after Liv's slap. Rhea and Liv started laughing at the woman's facial expressions.
"What an ugly and toxic bitch she is!" Rhea said. Liv took Rhea outside to the car.
"Get in the back seat," Liv demanded with a smirk on her face ...

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now