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Rhea's thoughts were going wild she couldn't stop think about Buddy and what he did to her. She was hoping he wouldn't be at the door. To her surprise it was a pizza delivery guy asking for directions.
"Go right then straight ahead and it's house 62," Rhea said. She closed the door and took a deep breath ,but before she could even think the door bell rang again. Who could it be this time she thought. Once again Rhea opened the door and this time is was Buddy.
"What did I tell you about coming to my house?! NOW LEAVE!" Rhea shouted. Buddy quickly pulled Rhea outside and kissed her.
"I'll always love you no matter what and I'm sorry for what I did I've changed Rhea I promise," Buddy said.
"Ew get off of me and I'm in a relationship already so please leave before I call the police," Rhea said. Buddy left without saying a word ,but as he walked off Rhea had noticed he smelled like he had been drinking alcohol.
It was late and Rhea was worrying where Buddy was. Suddenly she heard the door slam open and a cold breeze of air filled the house. It was Buddy and he smelled like he had been drinking.
"Hey love," Rhea said.
"GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" Buddy bellowed. Rhea was worried about what he had to say.
"Why haven't you made dinner or cleaned the house? You're a woman that's your job!" Buddy yelled. He then slapped Rhea across the face leaving a large red mark. Rhea began to shake and her heart was racing like a car.
"I... I... I'm sorry I'll do it now," Rhea said petrified. Buddy began to unbuckle his belt to use as a weapon.
"Are you okay Rhea? You're crying again?" Liv said looking worried. Rhea nodded and gave Liv a hug.
"Yeah I'm fine. My head is just filled with thoughts about Buddy," Rhea said trying to keep it together.
"Shall we go get a shower and then get into bed? We've got work tmr too," Liv said. Rhea nodded. They entered the bathroom .Rhea turned the shower on and started taking her clothes off and so did Liv. One after the other they both got into the shower and washed their hair as they talked about what they were going to do for work tomorrow.
"I've made a decision that I wanna tell the WWE universe about our relationship tomorrow only if that's okay with you?" Rhea said.
"Yes I'd love that!" Liv said. After they both finished up with their shower Rhea raided her closet for some clothes for her and Liv. She found two shirts and two pairs of shorts for them both.
"After work tomorrow I'll take you home so you can go get all of your clothes and stuff," Rhea said.
"Okay ,I've got quite a lot of stuff," Liv said. Five minutes had passed and Liv was already cuddle up in Rhea's arms.
"I love you!" Rhea said.
"I love you too!" Liv said. They were both very tired after the long day they had and fell asleep within another five minutes.

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now