The kiss

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Rhea's lips connected with Liv's. Rhea was sweating like crazy. Her forehead was soaked. They both pulled apart for a second and stared lovingly into each others eyes. That's when Rhea knew Liv liked her back. They went for round two and everyone cheered and chanted their names. After they were done Liv stayed sat on Rhea's lap and held her hand.
"You're really sweaty love," Liv said. Rhea chuckled at Liv's comment and said, "Well it's not everyday you get kissed by your crush," Rhea has just realised she had said too much than she wanted to and that Liv now knew Rhea also liked her back.
"Well I could say the same thing about you my love," Liv said with a smirk on her face before kissing Rhea once more. Rhea's face had turned so red she looked like a tomato. Rhea adjusted her hand onto Liv's thigh and squeezed it for a moment.
Liv whispered into Rhea's ear, "You seriously think you're gonna get away with that?" Liv smiled as she had just made Rhea speechless. Rhea jumped to her feet to go lay down on one of the sun beds. Liv joined her.
"You okay? you kinda just walked away," Liv said.
"Yeah I'm fine I just got a bit overwhelmed that my crush kissed me," Rhea said whilst giggling. They both talked for a while whilst everyone else carried on playing spin the bottle.
"So what now? Do we get together or leave it while?" Liv said.
"I say we get together ,but in secret so no one knows," Rhea says. Liv nodded to signal the word yes. A few hours later everyone went home and the two love birds (Liv and Rhea) were left by themselves.
"I have an idea! Shall we go to the beach and watch the sunset?" Rhea said.
"OMG! Yes I love sunsets!" Liv shouted. They both changed into casual clothes.
"Can I wear your hoodie?" Liv said.
"Sure ,here take this one," Rhea said as she passed her an all black nike hoodie. Rhea climbed into the drivers seat and liv got into the passengers seat. They arrived at the beach and both bought and ice cream each and sat on the soft sand below them.
"This is so cute," Liv said.
"Just like you my love," Rhea said with a smile stretched across her face. Liv budged up closer to Rhea and rested her head on Rhea's shoulder. Rhea held out her hand Liv then interlocked her fingers with Rhea's and talked about life and all the drama going on in their lives. Rhea turned her head to look at Liv and observed her side profile. Liv then turned to look at Rhea before kissing her. Both their hearts were racing and their stomachs filled with butterflies.

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora