The hangover

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It was around 10am, Rhea woke up with a banging headache and felt really dizzy.
"Hey sleepy head you feeling okay?" Liv asked. Rhea groaned in pain and said, "No not really baby, my head is killing me right now." Liv handed Rhea a tall glass of ice cold water.
"Just take it easy, I'll take care of you today. You deserve to rest after all your matches and hard work!" Liv said.
"Thank you baby. I love you," Rhea says with a smile.
"I love you too," Liv says as she walks into the kitchen. Liv suddenly hears footsteps behind her. She quickly turns round to find out that it was just Bayley attempting to walk.
"Are you feeling okay Bayley?" Liv asks concerned.
"I can't feel my legs after last night in the guest bedroom, other than that I'm perfectly fine," Bayley says as Sasha walks past her with a grin.
"I'm not even going to ask what happened in that guest bedroom," Liv says.


Rhea and liv watched television whilst they cuddled up to each other on the couch. However, Bayley and Sasha were too busy flirting with one another. Bayley slid her hand onto Sasha's thigh and gently squeezed it.
"You're so cute, you know that right?" Bayley whispered.
"You're even cuter my love," Sasha replied.
Rhea and Liv glare over at the two love birds at the other end of the couch.
"You two aren't very good at whispering, we can hear you," Liv says trying to hold her laugh. Bayley and Sasha look at Rhea and Liv then back at each other before laughing non-stop.
"Anyone wanna come join me in the pool?" Rhea suggested. Everyone said, "yes." And disappeared into their bedrooms to get changed into some swim gear. Rhea was the first one to change so she decided to make everyone a drink of lemonade. Finally, liv, Sasha and Bayley were ready. They all jumped into the pool. Suddenly the door bell rang, Rhea climbed out of the pool and opened the front door to find out that it was Buddy (again).
Rhea says, "Look I don't want any trouble, but why are you here? I told you to never come here again. Unless you're gonna be civil about this."
Buddy says "I came to apologise about everything, everything I put you through. Can I come in?"
Rhea says "Sure, what made you want to apologise?" Rhea takes Buddy to the back yard and they sit side by side on some chairs by the pool.
Buddy says, "I just wanted to change and be a better person. I sat and realised how much of a dick I was to you. You've been through so much already and I'm sorry for making it harder then it had to be. I'm not apologising because I want you back. Im apologising because I want us to be friends. I owe you big time so I thought I'd give you this." Buddy handed Rhea an envelope. Rhea slowly peeled the envelope open to find $1,000. Rhea says, "Buddy I don't need your money because all I ever wanted was an apology and that's what you've given me. Please take it back" Rhea jumps to her feet and pulls Buddy up into a hug. Buddy eyes swell up with tears.
"I'm so sorry and I'm glad you have someone better in your life. You deserve it!" Buddy says. Buddy pulls away from the hug and smiles at Rhea before leaving without a word. Rhea was left there speechless and almost crying from the pure shock of what had come out of Buddy's mouth.

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now