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Rhea's alarm clock read 7am. Rhea's eyes slowly fluttered open. She then realised her sister was coming over to visit for the weekend. She hopped out of bed and decided to leave Liv to sleep. Rhea tiptoed into the kitchen making sure not to wake anyone up. She turned on the stove and began making herself some pancakes for breakfast.

Liv woke up to the smell of hot fresh pancakes. She quickly jumped up and raced straight to the kitchen. "Oooo what ya cooking babe," Liv said excitedly.
"Just some pancakes. Do you want some?" Rhea replied. Liv nodded at Rhea's response. After they had both finished their breakfast a knock echoed throughout the house.
"SHE'S HERE!" Rhea shouted.
"Who's here babe?" Liv asked confused.
"My sister, did I not tell you?" Rhea replied. Liv shook her head as Rhea opened the door to find her sister stood at the door. Scarlett jumped into Rhea's arms hugging her tightly. "Oh how I've missed you so much Demi," Scarlett said almost in tears.
"I've missed you too. I'm happy you're here," Rhea said. Scarlett introduced herself to Liv and began unpacking in Rhea's spare bedroom.
"I see that you and your sister are very close. Me and my sister have a similar bond," Liv said.
"You have a sister? What's her name?" Rhea said in shock.
"Yes I have a sister I just never told you for some odd reason, her name is Myranda," Liv replied. Scarlett finished up packing and headed back into the living room.
"Should I invite her over maybe?" Liv said.
"Yeah that would be a great idea babe, we can all chill in the pool together," Rhea said.
"Liv did you say your sister was called Myranda? I have an old friend called Myranda. Wouldn't it just be crazy if they were the same person!" Scarlett said.
"Myranda did mention she had a best friend called Scarlett so it could be possible," Liv said. Liv pulled her phone from her back pocket to text Myranda.

                                     Myranda 🖤
                                                     Hey, do you maybe
                                                     wanna come over? 
Hey, ofc I'd love to!

Send the address and
I'll be on my way
                                                    *sends address*

"I've texted Myranda the address she should be on her way," Liv says. Around 20-25 minutes later a bright shiny Camaro pulls up on the drive.
"SHE'S HERE!" Liv says in an exited voice. Liv swings the door open. Myranda runs straight into Liv's arms and sees Scarlett stood behind Liv.
"There is no way this is real what the fuck!" Myranda says.
"What?!" Liv replies in a confused tone.
"T-that's my best friend I've been talking to you about, SCARLETT!" Myranda says.
"IT'S YOU! IT REALLY IS YOU!" Scarlett screams.
Scarlett and Myranda run into each others arms almost collapsing to the floor as they do.
"I can't believe it's actually you, I think I might cry," Scarlett says already in tears of pure joy. Myranda wipes Scarlett's tears and pulls her in for one more hug. Suddenly, an anonymous figure appears in the doorway ...

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now