Secret lovers

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The figure stood in the doorway for a second before taking two steps into the light. It was Jey Uso. Jey locked eyes with Myranda and felt thousands of butterflies in his stomach.
"W-wow...," Jey muttered.
"Sorry what was that cutie," Myranda said.
"Oh did I say that out loud, whoops," Jey replied. Jey could feel a drop of sweat slowly roll down his forehead. He'd never felt so nervous in all his life.
"So uhh ... Rhea I got your text," Jey said.
"What text?" Rhea said.
"You messaged me saying 'small pool party at mine, my sister will be there 😉' ," Jey said.
"Ohhh sorry mate I forgot about that," Rhea replied as she chuckled to herself.
"Were you seriously trying to set me up with Jey?" Scarlett said.
"Maybe ..." Rhea said with a smirk on her face. Scarlett rolled her eyes and whispered to Rhea, "I think he's got eyes on someone else." Myranda glared at Jey's tattoos that were scattered all around his body.
"I love your tattoos jey, they suit you!" Myranda commented.
"Thank you uce! Your tattoos are amazing, you definitely have more than me," Jey said. They both looked into each others eyes and smiled.
A couple minutes later, everyone decided to go get changed into their swim gear. The doorbell chimed loudly, ringing throughout the house.
"I'll get it!" Scarlett said. She quickly jogged towards the door and gradually pulled the door open. It was Dominik Mysterio. Scarlett's face lit up red and she went shy for a moment before saying, "Come in, if you're looking for Rhea she's in the pool," Scarlett said.
"Oh hon, I'm not here for Rhea I'm here for you," Dominik said. Dom grabbed Scarlett by the waist, pulled her to his chest and gave her a kiss. Scarlett was speechless, she didn't know what to do. Instead of speaking Scarlett gave Dominik a kiss back. Rhea climbed out of the pool to go look for Scarlett to see what was taking her so long.
"Scarlett why are y- oh that's why," Rhea said. Scarlett and Dominik quickly pulled away from each other.
"I'm so sorry, I should go," Dominik suggested. Before he could walk off Scarlett grabbed his hand and said, "No, I want you to stay." Rhea smiled and said, "I'm guessing Dominik is the guy you've been telling me about, my own colleague. I should've know," Rhea said as she laughed to herself.
"Can he stay?" Scarlett asked.
"Yes of course he can," Rhea said. Dominik smiled and kissed Scarlett once more.
"You haven't texted me in so long I thought you forgot about me," Scarlett said.
"No no no I'd never forget about you my love. My schedule has just been so busy, but now we get to spend time with each other. I'll make it up to you," Dominik said.
"How will you make it up to me?" Scarlett questioned. Dominik answered, "that's for me to know and for you to find out." ....

Love at first sight (Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan) Where stories live. Discover now