You will never change

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This is at baby corp where stargazer was hit by sync

Stargazer wakes up to see her all by herself in the cell

Sync thought she can knock me out for a long period of time,stargazer says.I am the meaning of corruption and the person that causes that will never fall in the hands of that princess.I am going to make sure that all of her friends will feel the pain and agony of being stuck with me.

At syncs home

Would you like anything to drink,boss baby,sync asks.Well that all depends on what you have,boss baby says.

Well that all depends on what you have,boss baby says

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I got Water,lemonade and Iced tea,sync says.

I think water will be fine,boss baby says.

Ok sync says handing him a cup of water.

So the enemies you were talking about who are they,boss baby ask.

Sync then takes out a file book and starts from the top

Sync then takes out a file book and starts from the top

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Thats star gazer,sync says

Thats star gazer,sync says

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Thats cali,sync says

Thats the 2 enemies that I know about and they hate when people start to get in there way,sync says.But just being me I can deal with that problem.

Boss baby monitor rings

I gotta take this call,boss baby says answering.

whats up stace,boss baby says.

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