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This takes place at baby corp

After mega fat ceo baby got fired a few months ago a new ceo named multi-multitask ceo baby was the new ceo

Everyone in the office was freaking out and working there hardest

Hendershot then gives the reports to the ceo and explains what happening

Just a normal halloween at baby-corp,hendershot says

Then with staci

Staci is talking to jimbo and says

I miss the boss,jimbo says

I know I do too,staci says

But hes out of his head right now,staci says

And thats why I am going to knock some sense back into it,Staci says

Because Im just watching one baby tonight,staci says

Meanwhile at boss baby house

Boss babys field team is in the hall way

Today were going to do something we never did boss baby said

Boss baby then continued to explain what he was going to do

After then staci went to his house but failed to do anything

But then marisol comes to the front door to say she is going to take the babies trick or treating

Tim then was surprised to see her

Boss baby then went outside and put decoys of the babies to trick marisol into thinking that was them

Look tim I want you to keep her as distracted as possible,boss baby says

No one can no that we are doing this,boss baby says

Dont worry I got this,tim says

Boss baby then walks out with his field team

Mean while with sync

Should I go trick or treating today,sync says.

I wonder what Boss baby is wearing,sync says

I feel very bad for him loosing his job,sync says

I am going to go to see him for a while,sync 

Sync then teleports to boss baby

Boss baby and staci then encounter each other

Jailbird appropiate,staci says

Didnt think I would see you around staci,boss baby says

No,But I did come to put you In the hot seat,staci says

Are your laces double knotted on that,boss baby says

Staci monitor rings

Ohh,A message from baby corp,boss baby says

Staci then picks the monitor up and then after shes done she see boss baby leaving

Boss baby then see's a face he hasnt seen

Boss baby,sync says

Sync what are you doing outside here at night,boss baby asks

Well its halloween so i decided to go and come see you,sync says

what with what your wearing,boss baby asks

what with what your wearing,boss baby asks

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