Hail to sync

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This takes place at babycorp

Boss baby was trying to figure out where sync was

Why did she have to leave,boss baby says

Stace gather up the field team,where going on a hunt for her,boss baby says

Meanwhile with sync

Oh dongle I cant imagine what I would do without you,sync said

Dongle is always here to help you,dongle says

And that's what I love about you,sync says

Something than blows up and sync and dongle take cover

Oh no,sync said

How did he come back,sync said

Sync,you can always run but you cant hide,ocb said

Sync laughed and applauded 

I going to give you some time to get out of here ocb,before I make up my mind,sync said

Look princess I think we probably got of the wrong terms,ocb says

He walks up to sync

Maybe you can give me another chance to prove myself,ocb said

And Why should I,after you pulled that stunt the last time,sync said

Well maybe,I can change your mind,ocb said

Oh yeah,sync said

I'll like to see you try,sync said

Remember the last time I tried to dance with you,ocb said

Oh no,oh no,not this again,sync said covering herself

Ill like to do it again,ocb said

He reaches his hand out so sync can grab it

But then boss baby comes in

Get him,staci said

And she tackled ocb

Sync in her head felt like to give him another chance

But she could do that not after the last time

Boss baby than went to sync

He didnt hurt you did he,boss baby said

No,sync said

But something else is hurt,sync said

She puts her hands close to her chest


She grabbed boss baby by the collar 

You stinkin,lying baby,sync says

For all these year I thought we would have something in common,sync said

You being my friend,and all,sync said

But it has come to this day,that we all turn on each other,sync said

See you never,sync said

She lets go of boss baby collar

But boss baby than grabbed syncs arm

Why do have to keep running,boss baby said

We can talk it out,we always do,boss baby said

But if this the way you want it to go than that means Ill stop following you,boss baby said

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