New boss

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Boss baby went to babycorp with tina

And the whole company did not look the same to him

Yo-yo-yo-yooo,someone said

Who is in my office,the person said

Its the boss baby,the person said

Nanny cam no filter ceo baby,tina said

The legend,nanny cam said

So I have a favor to ask,boss baby said

I need some special formula so I can keep myself like a normal baby baby to hide from the fbi,boss baby said

No,nanny cam said

Dont hide who you are,nanny cam said

Boss baby went back to tina

How Am I suppose to get that special formula,boss baby said

There was a alarm and nanny cam asked

What is going on

Theres a person pinching babys in the library,tina said

You know what we do,nanny cam said

We ignore it

But those babys need help,boss baby said

But thats not a real problem and thats why we have a five percenter system,nanny cam said

The babys that give us all that babylove,nanny cam said

And than theres ultra baby omega,tina said

One baby thats so cute,after 8 seconds its painful,nanny cam said

Boss baby looked at the screen

Im going to stop that and get my job,boss baby said

Whos the vp of field operations around here

Its me,tina said

Who you got on the team,boss baby asked

JJ,the personal assistant

Pip,the loose canon

Dez,the master of disguise


They all got to the library and stopped the person pinching the baby by using ultra baby omega

Tina wondered how he got that

Later on they had a mission that had to do with one of the five percenters Iggy

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