christmas 2

20 2 0

This takes place at a different time

Its early in the morning and there is lots of snow outside

sync is sleeping having on side of her cover almost falling off her bed

She opens her eyes and yawns 

She looks outside

This year was going to be different than the other years

Sync wanted to make it special

She made cookies just like how she did the last time

And she made sure that she wore the hat dongle gave her

She was going to a christmas party that boss baby had set up in his house

Sync than left there

At boss babys house

Staci was there helping and talking with boss baby

This is going to be one great party boss,staci said

I hope that it will be like that,boss baby said

Sync than came in

She looked around 

And than she was boss baby

She turned her head and walked away to were the tree was

Boss,staci said

Boss baby than looked at staci

We need to see if we have everyones present,staci said

Boss baby than brought out a list

You have your present name on it right,boss baby said

Yes,staci said

You have dongles present name on it right,boss baby said

Yes,staci said

You have my present,boss baby said

Yes boss,staci said

You have syncs present right,boss baby said

You have here present dont you stace,boss baby asked

Um boss you should come and see,staci said

There were only tree presents under the tree


We need to get her one,staci said

Boss baby than thought what would sync like for christmas

But than dongle came and he knew that there was no time to get sync a present

Boss baby than said

Lets get the christmas party started

Boss baby than looked at sync

She not talking to anyone,boss baby said

Dongle than went to sync

Is there something wrong,dongle asked

sync than turned away from them and went outside

dongle than followed her

sync,dongle said

just leave me alone,sync said

Dongle than said

What can dongle do to help

Sync than looked at him

and ran to him and cried

Why,did they forget about me,sync said

she went back to boss babys house

she went near boss baby and said


no,boss baby said

sync was annoyed that they had there present but not hers

Ill be back and it wont be nothing good,sync said

She than left

Boss baby than said 

Why did i forget her

Sync went back to her house

She went to were her hammer was and she grabbed some things

She than left and was on the look out for him

When she went back to his house he was not there

She whistled 

and she heard a sound from the other direction

Sync hate the taunts 

She took her hammer out 

She ran around the house carrying it and saw that the window upstairs was open

And when she looked out she saw boss baby running out

She jumped out and used her hammer

She tried to swing and him but he was far away

She ran after him 

Boss baby than stopped and said

You know sync,i didnt forget about you

Sync laughed

Spare me all those lies,sync said

You know what you did your just trying to get away,sync said

My days already been enough as it is,sync said

But you always find a way to make it worse,sync said

Staci than came and defended boss baby

So staci decides to join the late party,sync said

better for me,sync said

She ran towards them and threw one of dongles ornaments to make them sleep

they covered themseleves to not smell it

And sync still was swinging her hammer around

Dongle than came and threw another ornament towards sync for her to fall asleep

And she did without a notice

Once sync woke up from that

She saw that they were opening presents

after they were all done opening theres

Dongle than gave sync her present

A new christmas dress

Staci than gave sync a present

A case for her hammer

And boss baby gave sync the best present of all

One big hug

sync changed her mind about being mad all day

And she stayed having the party with all of them.

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