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(Syncs dream not part of the thing)

Boss baby is looking at the charts

And trying to organize his things

Boo,a voice says

Aha,boss baby said

Oh its you sync,dont scare me like that,boss baby said

What Am I not any different from sync talking baby,sync said

A baby than can only speak baby,sync said

Well you did great raising the charts,boss baby said

Wow I did,sync said

You dont remember that,boss baby said

Nope I do not,sync said

Boss baby went back to his thing

Sync went to go downstairs

When she got pulled by somebody

Staci,why are you here,sync said

We got problems at the office,staci said

Ocb has taken over babycorp

No,he actually did it,sync said

Wheres the boss,staci asked

Sync than ran upstairs with staci

Oh,hi,boss,staci said

hi,stace,boss baby said

Um boss if i told you that ocb took over babycorp,would you be mad,staci said

He took over babycorp,boss baby said

You let a baby that only cares about his dolupes,and his face do that,boss baby said

Boss baby let out a sigh and teleported to the office with staci and sync

Babycorp all mines,ocb said

Hold it ocb,boss baby said

Nice to see you here boss baby,ocb said

Nothings is going to end up nice ocb,staci said

Let me hunt him,staci said

Lets wait to do that,boss baby said

Whats your plan ocb,boss baby said

To be the new ceo,ocb said

Move out,sync said

sync dont you-,boss baby said

You think you can come here,and take over babycorp,sync said

Well thats where your wrong,sync said

Sync took out her hammer

Sync,there no need for that,boss baby said

Ocb,want babycorp,boss baby said

Than have it,boss baby said

Sync looked surprised

Boss,staci said

He teleported out with staci

Sync stayed in shock 

Ooh,sync,ocb said

Being with boss baby changed you,ocb said

Hes my boss,sync said

Tell me,sync,ocb said

Do you like his charming voice,ocb said

And his way to convince you with it,ocb said

Sync blushed 

I could read you like a book,ocb said

You really adore him,ocb said

Or Am I not right about that,ocb said

Sync didnt say anything

Her face was red

Is my charm making you looked that red sync,ocb said

No,no,sync said

You just cant hide it sync,ocb said

She was sweating from the heat

Sync growled 

I like his voice,sync said

And he is charming,which is something that just makes him,boss baby,sync said

He's always ask me if im okay and that makes me happy ocb,sync said

I had to talk baby,sync said

And I dont even remember me doing that,sync said

Sync faced stopped turning red

She got her hammer and wacked him

Your one baby that likes to lie,sync said

Bye ocb,sync said

Boss baby was with staci

Sync came in

sync,staci said

Boss,sync needs a bit of that charm you got,staci said

Boss baby went there

Ocb,boss baby said

uhuh,sync said

Dont worry about him,boss baby said

Sync hugged him and smiled

I wont,sync said

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