gone rogue

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this takes place at syncs home

Sync is sleeping and she wakes up and its still the middle of the day 

she than looks outside to see that there is still snow

Sync asks herself

When is this day going to end

Sync than trys to think how can she put the snow away

Than she says

I can make it be gone

Sync than puffs up her cheek 

She goes outside like that and releases hot air that made the snow on the sidewalk be gone

Sync than said I cant just do this for the whole entire time

I need to make the snow,gone,everywhere

Sync than got to the top of her house

She puffed her her cheek that it was getting red

Than she released the biggest blow of hot air that everyplace that had snow did not have it because of that.

Sync than said thats fine

 But there will still be snowing falling later on so sync looked at the sky

She looked at it puffed her cheek and blew it directly to were the clouds were

The sun than came out

Finally no more snow,sync said

Meanwhile with boss baby

Omg I cant wait to make a snowman,tim says

Tim than goes outside and sees that there is no snow

WHAT,tim said

How did the snow already leave,tim said

And its sunny and hot,tim said

Its winter,tim said

Tim than goes upstairs to talk with his brother

You cant believe what I just saw,tim said

Boss baby than looks at tim and asks him

Whats the thing that you saw thats so important that you have to tell me

Theres no snow outside,tim said

Thats not possible,the streets were covered with a lot of snow,boss baby says

He goes to the window to look outside and he says that the streets are clean and the sun is out

Theres something wrong,boss baby said

Its suppose to be snowing,but is not,boss baby asked himself

Im going to go to babycorp to figure this out,boss baby said

He teleported to baby corp

He went to hendershot and asked

Hendershot I want you to give me a full analysis on whats going on with the snow outside

And alarm than sounded inside the office that made every worker in there jump

Boss baby than looked at the screen 

There was some unusal activity presented today

The screen than showed were the activity was coming from

Today there was a human being presented at that same area the incident happened

Boss baby than says

Plop it to the bigboard

Boss babyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ