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This takes place at syncs house

Well you heard what happy said,sync said to boss baby

Its not going to be the last time that we will see him,sync says

Dont worry,just follow my lead,boss baby says

Boss baby than walks to around sync saying

Happy is one man that I cant trust,boss baby says

Manipulative indeed,boss baby says

But ohh,there is something more deeper than that,boss baby says

Well we do have the tape but whats his main goal,sync says

He strives fear into me when he said that,sync says

But we wont be taken down by him,sync says

Boss baby than fixes his tie and takes out his pacifier 

Where are you going sync asks

To babycorp,he says

Thats fine sync says 

I will be here when you get back,sync says

Boss baby than leaves  

He's one heck of a worker,sync says

syncs than thinks

What is happys,plan

Sync than goes to her tool box and repairs sync 2.0

After she is done she says

Syn 2.0 i need you to put me as number 1 threat

Sync 2.0 than looks at sync

She sees sync tearing up

I am about to commit a big crime

Sync than goes outside to look for happy

Than sync calls happy

Happy then starts to speak

Well sync came back to change your mind,happy says

About what sync says

About working with me,happy says

W-w-what,sync says

Why the worries,happy said

After all you are a princess,happy said

And princess need the proper care,happy says

Something only I can give you,happy says

Where are you sync asks

Right behind ya,happy says

Sync than turns around and falls

Didnt mean to scare you princess,happy says

Your a sight for sore eyes,happy says

Sync than goes back

Oh dont worry sync happy  said carrying sync

I will take good care of you,happy says

Boss baby than comes back to sync house

Sync,boss baby asks

Hello,boss baby says

Boss baby than looks at sync 2.0

Tell me where sync is,boss baby asks

She is a enemy,sync 2.0

What she created you how is she the enemy,boss baby says

She said to put her as a enemy because she is about to commit a crime,sync 2.0 says

Boss baby than teleports to look for sync

Meanwhile with happy

Here you go princess,happy says

He gives her a bottle of formula and some sheets to draw on

Sync than looks at herself and crys and says

Why,she asks

Every single time I have to do this,sync says

He will never forgive me,sync says

Boss baby than finds sync and runs to her

Sync,boss baby says

No get away,sync says crying

What happened,did happy hurt you,boss baby asks

No but i hurt you,sync says crying

Well well well,happy says

About time happy,boss baby says

What did you do to her,boss baby says

Oh nothing just took her with me,happy says

Isnt that right princess,happy says

You dont get to call her that,boss baby says

Sync than faints

Sync,boss baby runs to her

Come on,boss baby says

Your going to pay extra for that,boss baby says

He grabs sync hammer and wacks happy

After he is done doing that he holds sync and teleports back to her house

Sync than starts to wake up

She crys when she sees the more scars on her body

Boss baby than sees than and puts a bottle in her mouth

Dont cry princess,boss baby says

Sync than falls asleep

Treating her like a puppet,boss baby says

Is one to far,boss baby says

You will stay here were Sync 2.0 will take care for you while Im out,boss baby says

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