love-struck sync

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This takes place at boss baby house

Boss baby was sleeping in his crib and it was just only a few hours until he had to wake up

After the hours gone by

Boss baby than woke up

He got his suit and his shoes

He fixed his watched and his tie looking at the mirror

Today was the day he was going to go and talk with ocb

He called in to the office to talk with staci

Staci,how you been,boss baby said

Couldnt be better,staci said

Uh,boss,staci said

Boss baby than looked at staci

Dont you know what day it is,staci said

Well i do know what day it is,boss baby said

Its the day that I get the secrets out of ocb,boss baby said

Leading my way to being the ceo,boss baby said

Ill be in the office,boss baby said

Staci than hung up

What boss baby didn't know is that it is that there was going to be one big surprise for him

And boss baby was not it a good mood today for anything

Video clip coming ahead 

Song prince ali,(if you saw the seperate part i made)

Boss baby than arrived at the office and to his surprise there was something waiting for him at the front 

The lights that turned off and was focused on him


I love her voice

Make way its boss baby!

Say hey its boss baby

 Sync part

Hey clear the way in the old bazaar!

Hey you let him through its a brand new star!

Oh come be the first in the company to meet his eye!

Make way here he comes!

Ring bells bang the drums!

Your gonna love this guy!

Boss baby fabulous he!

My numero 1 


Show some respect(sync says to the boy workers)

Down on one knee!

Now try your best to stay calm!

Put your baby face on!

And come meet his spectacular 



Boss baby!

mighty as he!

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