Recoiled Fear

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"Yeah I'm alright..." You said

You, L, Matt, Mello, and Near started to head back to the apartment while BB was kept under close supervision by the governments top men. When you and the guys got home you went straight to your bathroom and dressed and went straight to bed. L was concern about you and decided to go and comfort you. You were laying in the bed and you could feel L getting in the bed and laying down right next to you. Although you were faced away from L you could feel his eyes staring at you. You turned around to find that you were right he was staring at you, but with worried eyes. "(Y/n)..." L said with his worried husky like tone. You knew what he was going to say so you curled up in his chest and he could feel you trembling. L rubbed your back to comfort you. "(Y/N) I know you're afraid that B is going to go after you but trust me your safe within my reach as long as your by my side I guarantee that you will be unharmed..." You were still curled up for a few more minutes then looked up to see L with saddened eyes filled with so much concern for only you to see. You reached up to give L a kiss. You two passionately clung to each other as if your bodies would merge and kissed for a long time. Then when you guys broke the kiss for air your eyes met full of different emotions. L cupped one side of your face and said "I love you and don't you dare forget that...or there will be a punishment." You blushed at L's remark and turned your face back to his warm and well built chest. You two snuggled through the night. While you and L are sleeping you started to dream.

You could see yourself cuddling L while you were dreaming just like what you were currently doing but out of nowhere a blade hit your back and you looked up to see L. You could see his eyes opening and they were bloodshot and he was grinning like the devil. It was then you realized that this wasn't L it was Beyond he looked so much like L. You were petrified you couldn't wake up. You were trapped in this nightmare that bind you to its sorcery. You saw BB turning you around and was on top of you he lowered to your ear and his hot breath felt so real it was horrifying. You could sense the blade continue to puncture inward your back. Then at your last breath of this nightmare you managed to find the strength to break loose of the nightmare's bind and woke up...
End of Your Dream POV
You awoke gasping for air feeling a single sweat drop roll down the corner of your face. You felt a pair of hands wrapped around you and you saw L still fast asleep. You were so scared of L now since BB looked so much like him in your nightmare. You hesitantly moved as slow as possible to not awake the person you now have no idea who is right now. You opened your bedroom door slowly and tip toed your way out. You found Near right in front of you with a cup of water in his hands, but was about to drop it when he was startled by you. "Near? What are you doing up so late?" You whispered. "Hm? I'm working on the Kira case too as you know... Matt was able to obtain some information from Beyond. We think it has something to relate to the odd pattern of killings made by Kira. You're welcome to come look." Near said. You and Near went to the 2nd bedroom where Matt, Mello, and Near usually do research and work in. You walked in the room to find Matt sound asleep while Mello was listening to some audio recorder writing down some notes.You went to the wide spread desktop and took a seat next to the monitor with Near in it. Near pulled up a file with the current pattern of killings for the Kira case. "So...(Y/N) why are you up?" Near asked keeping his eyes on the monitor. You looked down at the little slim albino boy and looked back at your monitor. "I just had a bad dream..." You said spacing off. You were still afraid of the dream though you still didn't want to burden the boys about it. "Well I don't think that it's just a bad dream (y/n)... Tell me...what's really going on in your mind? And tell me why your so scared?" Near said looking at you and noticing that you were trembling furiously. "W-what? I'm not scared...heheheh."You said as you could feel your voice shaking. You kept silent as you knew Near knew that you were scared. Near looked over at you giving you stern but worried eyes much like to ones L gives you. Oh how much Near reminds you of L, sometimes you thought that Near was L's little brother but it's impossible since L's parents past away. "(Y/n)..." Near said as he put his small fragile hand on your hands. "*sigh* Alright I'll tell you." You sighed.
~4 minutes later~
After you have explained what your dream was about to Near. Near sat there in silence but began to speak again "(Y/N) it seems that you let your fears and concerns take over your mind as it gives you illusions in your dreams." Near said while taking a strand of hair into his fingers and twirling it. "I suggest you rethink the possibilities of your illusions and see if you can render your dream-." Near was cut off by you dragging him in for a hug. "Uh! Um?.." Was all Near could say. "Thank you Near...but I'll have to face this on my own... Alright?" You said like a reassuring mother. Near just sat there but then within moments slept within your arms. You gave out a little chuckle as you carried the little boy to the bed and laid him down with Matt. You turned back at Mello to find him asleep and you also carried him to the bed and laid him down. You went to check on L to find him still asleep. You went to the room across from the boys. You laid down on the spare bed and began thinking until you could feel the heavy slumber coating you.
You awoke still with closed eyes and stretched your arms way in the air. You wiped the yawn tears from your eyes and opened them lazily. You noticed a figure sitting at the end of your bed... It was L. You made no eye contact yet you still felt a bit spooked by the nightmare. "(Y/n)..." Was all L said..." Why did you leave in the middle of the night...d-did I do something wrong?" You heard L's voice saddened and confused. You gave L a hesitant and gentle hug from behind. "Sorry I just had a bad dream." You said weakly. Suddenly L took your wrist and forcefully dragged you close to his face. He stared into your eyes seriously. You stared at him with trembling eyes. He came closer but kept his distance from your nose. "Look into my eyes." L commanded. You followed his command and stared deeply into his onyx eyes. You felt a sudden relieve rush through you and calm down a bit. "Do you think these eyes could belong to a killer!?" L said breaking the silence. "" You said startled and confused. "*Sigh* Near told me about your dream this morning..." L said disappointed while releasing you from his grip. "*sigh*" Was all you could say. "(Y/n) promise me this if there is any trouble tell me no matter how bad it is ok. Also a little code for you to feel secure in case you have another nightmare (y/d/o/b) -( meaning Your Date Of Birth ok.) I'll whisper in your ear if you have another nightmare. Ok?" L said flicking your head. "Ow what was that for?" You asked while rubbing your forehead. "It's for doubting me and also do you promise?" L said childishly while holding his pinkie up. "Heh yeah I promise." You said while reaching your pinkie up to entwine with his. You both smiled at each other and walked out of the room.
"Well?" Mello said to L.
End of Chapter
Panda~Chan-😓😢😫😭 I'm sorry you guys for the stupidly late update but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
You- Grrr took you long enough!😡
Panda~Chan-😔😞 *sighs* gomen...

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