An Odd Man

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Are you ok?...

As you were trying to adjust to the darkness of the hallway, you looked up to find a curved figure with an unusually, spiky,messy hair and panda like eyes. You looked up and replied..." Y..Yeah...I..I'm you..." Then the anonymous man asked "Why are you here?"You tried to answer with a bit of hesitation "I j...just need a little break that's all." Knowing that you have just told a lie the man went along with it and asked what your name was. You answered again with hesitation " name is (y/n)". Suddenly, with some suspicion you asked the man what his name was and what was he doing walking down this hallway. The man was impressed of your deductions of your suspicions on him. With a sigh the man answered "My name's Ryuzaki and I was looking for a place to plan what I'll do next while I'm permanently retired." A bit shocked with the words permanent and retired together; you started to wonder ~Wait... how old is this guy, he doesn't look that old, well not at least 50 or 70 to retire, Maybe he owns a company maybe...~ you were cut off from your thoughts when Ryuzaki asked " Why did you choose this place to take a break? Don't you have friends?" You answered with a mocking voice "Yes I have some friends." "But... I prefer some alone time that's all." then Ryuzaki sat down in a very odd position next to you which made you blush a little because you thought it was kinda cute. He then looked over you paper trying to see what you were working on. He couldn't find anything but wet spots on your paper. Then when you tried to hide the paper Ryuzaki looked at you with a serious look and then asked you again "Why are you here?" You couldn't take it anymore you cried remembering why you were alone in this dark hallway. You couldn't take it you never wanted to remember the death but you couldn't stop thinking of it after that day. You then screamed at Ryuzaki " WHY DOES IT MATTER!?!?!WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY WHY!!??!!?" Ryuzaki looked at you with the same expression and replied "Why you ask because I've been observing you I can only deduce 78% that you are a very special and beautiful woman and I've never want to see you hurt. Also I'm very curious as to what you were sobbing about." You thought to yourself still with tears~ how long has he been observing me?Why me? I'm not special at all?~ you tried to gather as much courage to reply since you had a strange feeling that you can trust "Ryuzaki" you finally replied with a bit of a whimpering voice from all the crying that you've done "I w..wa..was just...I was just.. crying... because of..." the words were too hard for you to knock out you couldn't say the words so instead you wrote it on the piece of paper with the wet drops and hand it to Ryuzaki saying "~I was crying because I remembered my most admired detective "L" died..." Ryuzaki stared at the paper in shock.

Ryuzaki's or (L's ) POV

FYI- POV means point of view if you've haven't know that yet

She admires me? Seems Watari was right after all she is the one I've been searching for my whole life.

(F/N)(L/N) ~aah~ such a beautiful name that rings in my head...

To be Continued...

Panda~chan-Muahahhaahhaa because I'm that evil

L-Then you must be Kira then.

Panda~chan- NO I'M NOT!!!

L- Fine but I'll be watching you to make sure you don't harm (Y/N)~chan.

You- Did someone call me?

L x Reader: An Unexpected RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang