Intrusion of A Misssion

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"I love you too....Lawliet."

~Time skipped it's evening now~

"W...why would Watari do that to me?" You gasped in disbelief. After L had explained to you what had happened all those years ago and why you had a huge amnesia, you wanted to bawl your eyes out. You started to remember a conversation you had eves dropped on your parents when you were little. "So this is why my parents been acting odd ever since they didn't love me they used me. They used me as an object to keep on display so that they...they can execute me later on when I have enough money. They tricked me, they wanted me to think I owe them every cent because they provided things for me... But I didn't need all of those fancy jewelry every month or all of these useless clothes or decorations. So I guess I should disconnect from them then...then I'll make them taste justice soon enough..." "(Y/N)'re crying." L snapped you out of your trance. You felt your cheek you could feel the hot tears flowing down your cheeks. You looked back at L he stared at you with worried eyes. He took your hand and kissed it "(Y/N) I can tell what's going through your mind and I can very well deduce that it has something to do with your parents. If you have something on your mind you can tell me anything I'll be here for you..." You looked at L. You cried and held onto him. L pet your head as he embrace you. Matt began to walk out to get a drink but kept quiet as he saw you guys hugging and motioned Near and Mello to come look. The two came out to see what's going on. Mello looked at you guys and smiled and Near looked like a curious puppy as if love is alien to him. Near stared awkwardly and Mello slapped his back again that caused Near to growl at Mello. You noticed the boys and looked up at L. L seemed to notice the boys as well and gave you a nod. He leaned down to you and gave you a long and gentle kiss. Matt's face lit up and gave a dorky,wide mouthed smile; while Mello on the other hand turned around and stuck a tongue out like a typical immature preteen. And lastly Near again looked at you and L like a confused puppy. You two finished and turned around teasingly and smiled. The boys both jerked and ran in the room laughing and giggling. You and L went in the room where the boys were hiding and told them to behave while you guys go and take care of one last business before you go meet Watari. You and L took a train station to Kyoto to meet up with your parents. *Ding,dong,Ding,Dong* "The 7:50 pm train will be departing momentarily, please find a seat, pole, or a hook to hold onto for safety measures thank you and enjoy the trip."*ding ding pssshhhhhhhhhhh* as the last ring rang out in the train as it departures, you and L were separated by the crowd and you ended up sitting next to a young man with neatly combed black hair and looked very similar to L but the one thing that stood out was his bloodshot eyes that seemed to be a bit supernatural but you ignored it. "Hey is there something wrong?" The man asked you which seemed to snap you out of your thoughts. " nothing sorry." You replied. "Ok then..." The man answered. He seem to make you think that you've seen him before like you've seen him in Whammy's somewhere. When you turned back to face somewhere else you saw L. L on the other hand did not see since he was faced away from you. When you stood up to go to L; the train hit a bump which made you fall onto the man beside you. You blushed a bit since his hold was also similar to L's when L hugs you. You quickly got up and tried to go to L but there were people in the way so you were pretty much blocked. You looked around trying to find L. At last you found L, but he didn't look so happy he had a glare of hatred that was shot to the man beside you. You glanced back at the man who stared back at L as well and smirked devishly. The man looked up at you and said "Nice to see you again (y/n)..."

Panda~chan: Hey my lovelies im sorry i took too long and this story isn't very long either im very...very...very...sorry...*sniffles*

You:Aww it's ok Panda

Panda~chan: Awww you're so kind (y/n)!

Ok then till next time My Lovelies

*weird whooshing tardis sound*


L x Reader: An Unexpected RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang