Waking Up Speechless

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"I am L..."

You were stunned by Ryuzaki's or a least "L's" confession that you didn't want to believe it. You stood there questioning but then you only felt yourself slipping away as you ascend into a quick slumber. Ryuzaki felt your body slipping and was frightened that you might have had a heart attack, but was only relieved that you only fainted.(heheh scared you didn't I lol probably not. Anyways moving on.) L gently placed you on your bed and tucked you in. He leaned down and gave you a warm kiss on your forehead. L's kiss was full of passion and emotions, but unfortunately you were asleep to experience it. L pulled away from the kiss and just stood next to you examining your ever so adorable slumbering face. He chuckled at the sight of your cute face. Then L walked to the other side of the bed and sat in his usual pose next to you. L let out a sigh "I wished that you remember me..."


*sigh* "I wished that you remember me..." I still remembered till this day you were the first person I found any interest in. Before you arrived to Whammy's I was alone,silent, and emotionless. I was always cooped up in the library reading and the other kids would make fun of me because I was more of a foreigner to them (the oddball out of the group). I would just ignored them, pretending that I was just merely hallucinating of their existence. I was so alone that Watari had to drag me outside to get some sunlight. Heh Watari he's like a father to me always looking out for me; cared and understood everything about me. I used to sit and mainly think that Watari was the only person who understood me...until you came along. You ~heheh~ where do I even start with you (y/n). *Sigh* when you arrived at Whammy's 2 years later my whole world changed. When Watari first introduced you to me...I saw your ever so lonely ghost-like eyes staring upon me, they were like mines when I arrived but only filled with more pain. I couldn't imagine what you had been through so I remained silent. I remembered the next day I saw you sitting watching the three new toddlers Matt, Mello, and Near well at least that's what we called them to conceal there identities. I saw a genuine smile on your face that was so beautiful it made me almost loose my cool. I decided since you were in such a good mood so I approached to you to at least introduce myself properly to you. You heard my footsteps and jumped up... It shocked me a little but I kept a calm face "Hi (y/n) my name's L I apologize for not introducing myself yesterday it's just that I was..."!!! You grabbed me and hugged me I was so confused I was stiff from having someone touch me. The embrace was warm. As the room fell silent I could hear your whimpers...I felt tears on my chest as we stood there."WHY!!!WHY!!!Did they have to leave ME!!!WHY!!whY? Why?why?why?"
You yelled. Assuming you were talking about your parents I awkwardly brushed my hand through your hair as to comfort you."A..are you alright (y/n)? You didn't say anything but simply shook your head. I let out a sigh and returned a deep embrace to warm you. I felt your pain I was the same as you but I was alone and I had no one to share my feelings with."It's ok everything will get better." I said I felt you smile but the tears remained. As time passed by you and I became best of friends and I think I started to develop feelings for you. You and me used to babysit Matt, Mello, and Near. Mello and Near seemed to fight a lot well basically Mello but it's kind of odd that Matt seemed more into his own world. You were like a mother to them always caring for them, helping them, and loving them, you would always try your best to be 3rd place so that Mello will feel better being in 2nd place but you failed at doing so. You would always come 1st for some reason. You were the greatest part of my life always brightening every morning by making hot chocolate for me.You...you...you were the only other precious thing to me...Until one unfaithful night when you were at the medical room next to Roger's office. I saw Watari put you to sleep and injected a serum that erases a certain part of your memory. I was confused why he would do that so I stepped in "W...Watari what...what are you doing to (y/n)?" "L I know that you care for (y/n) but this is for the best...(y/n)'s parents want her back or else and there is nothing we can do with it we only have an hour left."I just stood there watching your last beautiful and cute slumbering face before you disappeared on Watari's shoulders through the door. After you went I started to search for you but I couldn't because I never knew your full name so I couldn't search you up. It was not till last year Watari decided to show me where you were. I had to talk to the shinigami Rem to fake my death so that Light wouldn't harm you and that she can still look over Misa. I wanted to start all over with you so I decided to show up at your school to see if you still have that beautiful personality that I fell in love with...

End of POV...

While Ryuzaki was telling you the story of you and him to you when you were asleep, you dreamt that you were in a strange house with Ryuzaki and you guys were in an embrace. During your dream you seem to reach to Ryuzaki to hug him back, but in reality you grabbed Ryuzaki's shirt making him fall down next to you. Ryuzaki turned to your sleeping face and saw a little smile on your face. Ryuzaki decided to join you since he hasn't slept in years, so he got under the covers with you. Ryuzaki gave you a kiss on your lips and turned around and slept.

"Hmmm... W...what happened?eh? Eh?!!!!" You woke up and saw Ryuzaki next to you sleeping and you were scared since you thought he did something to you. You looked around your room and saw your L shrine decorated closet opened and you instantly remembered what happened yesterday. "Aaarg I'm such an idiot!!! man he probably thinks I'm crazy oh wait he's L but how could it be!L died....." You kept mumbling questions about yesterday. Ryuzaki opened an eye and smirked as he hears your cute voice mumbling in embarrassment. Ryuzaki turned around and said "Good morning (y/n)*yawns*"

Panda~Chan-sorry my beautiful readers I had school and it's been a pain an final exams are next week SO SORRY!!!
Panda~Chan-sowwy please don't be mad at mwee

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