Revealed Secrets

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"Sure follow me."

As you lead Ryuzaki to your apartment you realized that people were giving you an odd stare which made you very uncomfortable only to realize that they were staring at Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki was hunched and was looking down at the ground while following you, his eyes were lost, emotionless, like a ghost. You turned to him and asked "Are you alright?" You were deeply concern with Ryuzaki, you were so concern that it showed through your eyes. Ryuzaki saw the worry in your eyes and tried to fake a smile and said "I'm fine please don't get worried about me I'm just deep in thoughts that's all." Ryuzaki just seemed more in pain as he lied to you, but you thought it was best if you two could discuss the matter once your home. When you and Ryuzaki turned down an ally that you used everyday. You were casually walking down the ally as you did ever day, but then a man came out from a little corner of the ally and pulled out a knife. You were scared and was about to pull out your cellphone to call the police. The man started to approach you and Ryuzaki, you were so afraid that you were shaking furiously. The man was now 20 feet away from you and Ryuzaki. "Awww I thought we could've have a bit of private time when you came back, but I guess we have another guest." The man said to you with a cracked smirk that looked like the devil. Ryuzaki asked you "Do you know this man?" "!" You said with fear. "Well then good..." Ryuzaki said while approaching the man."Wa...Wait!RYUZAKI HE'LL KILL YOU!!!" You screamed with plead, but it was no used Ryuzaki's eyes were filled with fire so hot it can melt rocks. His eyes were filled with determination; making you feel a familiar sense in him. "Well.Well seems like YA wanna fight buddy. Well if it's a fight ya want it's a fight ya get." The man said then started to dash straight at Ryuzaki with a bloodthirsty knife. Ryuzaki didn't do nothing he just stood there waiting.The man was getting close and then he swung the knife at Ryuzaki"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" You yelled but you only stood in shock as you saw Ryuzaki dodging the knife only to kick the man dead in the face. The man stumbled with blood on his face from his fresh batch of a broken nose. But Ryuzaki wasn't done yet he picked up the man and took his knife throwing it somewhere far away and started to kick the man in the stomach. You were not scared but felt a bit of pity for the man so you pulled on Ryuzaki's sleeve saying "That's enough..." Ryuzaki's eyes softened by your touch and asked with concern"Are you alright?" "Yes I'm alright thank you so m..m..much." You replied. You could feel the hot tear droplets starting to roll down from your face you were relived that Ryuzaki wasn't harmed. Ryuzaki wiped your tears and asked you while cupping your face "A..are you alright (y/n)?" You only gave him a teary and genuine smile and said "Yes yes I'm alright I'm just relieved that you're alright!" Ryuzaki pulled you into an embrace which shocked you. You felt tears on your neck "(Y/n) I'm the one who should be relieved that you're okay I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you." Then seconds later the police arrived and arrested the man who was known to be a rapist of 2 female victims. You and Ryuzaki were being questioned since you guys were victims of an assault. Then when it's time for the police to wrap things up they kindly offered you and Ryuzaki a ride home. When you and Ryuzaki were dropped off at your apartment, one of the cops said "Have a good night miss. If it hadn't been for your boyfriend you'd be a goner. Alright we'd better get goin you two love birds stay outta trouble. Bye." And away they went leaving you with a glowing red face. Ryuzaki kept his cool but couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the sight of your adorable blushing face. Ryuzaki then put a hand on your shoulder making you bolt at the sudden touch. You knew Ryuzaki wanted to go inside because it was getting a bit chilly. So you pulled out your keys and opened your door. You gestured Ryuzaki to come in. Since you were getting hungry you went straight to your fridge and pulled out a strawberry shortcake that you bought in the previous day and started to cut a huge piece. You peaked your head out of the kitchen to ask Ryuzaki if he wanted any strawberry shortcake. The moment you said that Ryuzaki's face lit up like a child. When you saw his face it made you chuckle "I guest that's a yes then*chuckles*" Ryuzaki blush a little when he heard your chuckle. You went to your table with two pieces of cake and told Ryuzaki to sit at the table instead of on the couch. Ryuzaki nervously walked to the table and sat down in his awkward pose again. He began stuffing his face with cake as if to stall something. Frustrated you let out a sigh as you began to dig into the creamy delight "Ryuzaki you know if you're gonna be staying with me might as well make yourself at home, because theirs no need to be nervous ok." You said bluntly. Ryuzaki stared at you with a dumbfounded look. "*sigh* Oh well I'll go shower maybe you could clean the dishes I'll try to find some of my dad's old clothes that he lent me for you to change into ok." You said finishing the last of your plate of cake. You then turn to tell Ryuzaki one last thing before disappearing into the bathroom "Also feel free to look around when your done. It's been a long day and I'm a bit tired sorry if I seem a bit mean I'm just grumpy when I get tired.". Ryuzaki didn't say anything but simply nodded and stuffed more cake into his face. As you were taking a shower you were thinking of how the days past by so quickly like for a minute you met this odd guy and then the next you guys are roommates. Then when you stepped out of the shower you remembered something you had a shrine of L in your bedroom closet you blushed furiously trying to get clothed quickly to run outside go tell Ryuzaki not to look in the closet it would be embarrassing to let anyone see how obsessed you are with the world's greatest detective. When you opened the door searching for Ryuzaki you found him in the closet you were too late you stood there blushing furiously when Ryuzaki heard you run in he slowly stared at you and back. You stood there blushing trying to give him a good explanation so he doesn't think you're a weirdo. Then Ryuzaki walked to you and then pulled you into a deep embrace you blushed even harder while you and Ryuzaki stood there in silence. You were confused out of your mind at the moment you didn't know what's going on. Ryuzaki just remained there and whispered to your ear "I am L..."

Panda~chan:*yawn* I worked on this the whole day I'm exhausted ok then here YA go a new chapter ok imma sleep now night night.ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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