Valentines Day

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Y/N never really goes out unless she's with her friend, Sarah and her boyfriend Mitch. It's not that she has no reason, she just doesn't like going alone. She doesn't like being surrounded by large groups of people she doesn't know, so the majority of the time she stay in her room surrounded her stuffed animals, wrapped up in her soft and fluffy blanket either reading a book or watching a movie.

The past two weeks all she ever heard is everyone's plans or ideas for how they want to celebrate Valentine's Day, whether it's showering their significant other with presents and love, or simply choosing to spend the day with friends. While she's happy for her friends, she doesn't get the point. Why would you wait basically a year to show your partner love and spoil them, when you can just do that every day.

Some might she say she's only grumpy because she's never had a true valentines, only spending it by third wheeling Sarah and Mitch at home watching sappy rom-coms and eating as much junk food as her stomach can handle. She would honestly agree, she's mainly grumpy because she hasn't had the chance to experience that, but it still doesn't make any sense!

Sarah's been hinting at trying to get Y/N a Valentine's but she doesn't wanna go with someone she doesn't know, it'd be even worse than third wheeling in her opinion. She refuses with a simple wave of her hand and a laugh, telling her she'd be too boring and they'd fall asleep at the table.

Sarah will laugh along, but she has a plan. She refuses to let her friend go without the joy of a date any longer! So she gathers Mitch after their lunch date and they begin their plan.


Sarah's been taking an oddly long time getting ready today, normally she only take roughly thirty minutes to do her hair and makeup, but it's taken her an hour and she's still not done! Y/N knows something's up by the way Sarah keeps giggling and looking at her dressed in her sweats and oversized hoodie, but she simply says she's just happy.

A knock at the door disrupts Y/N's thinking as she watches Sarah run to the door, she smiles lightly thinking it's Mitch coming to pick her up. As she goes back to the kitchen to make her some water, she can faintly make out Sarah and Mitch's voice as well as someone else's.

She comes back out and stops in the doorway when she sees Harry with a small smile on his face. His hair looking as fluffy as always, his dimples prominent thanks to the smile he's trying to hide. His muscles straining against his white dress shirt, and his black skinny jeans complimenting his toned legs and she swears she can feel the drool pooling in her mouth.

Conveniently Sarah turns around and spits her in the doorway, smiling even bigger somehow as she beckons her over.
"Y/N/N!! Look who's here!" She says and Y/N sighs softly. As she heads over to the group, she can't help but to trail her eyes over Harry's physique once again, a small smile gracing her lips.

She gently pinches Sarah's arm when she reaches the group as she gives everyone a hug. She can't help but notice how tense Harry is when she wraps her arms around his frame.

She wouldn't exactly call them friends, but they've always made polite small talk whenever they happen to be in the same room. She doesn't understand why he's always so short with her but can have a conversation for hours with Mitch. She doesn't understand why he doesn't like her, she hasn't done anything!

She sighs as she removes herself from the awkward embrace and tugs on the ends of her hoodie sleeves, a habit she does whenever she gets anxious or overwhelmed. Stepping back, she smiles softly as they all engage in conversation.

"Y/N. Harry's taking you for Valentine's." Sarah says and Mitch nods once in agreement. Her mouth parts and she stares at Harry, confusion etched on her face.
"Wha- no. Wait, huh?" She asks and Sarah laughs softly.
"Well you're always complaining on how Valentines is such a shit holiday, and we wanted you to see how cute it can be, so we got H to do it so no strangers." Mitch says and her eyes narrow at Sarah.

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