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pairings: current?boyfriend!harry x fem!reader (no use of Y/N)

summary: After a long day, Harry and his girlfriend are ready to go to sleep, but once Harry spots the moon he just can't move.

word count: 984


It's been a long day for the happy couple. She's accompanied Harry to all of his meetings, sat in the studio as he recorded songs for his fourth album, and then went out to eat at his favorite restaurant. They laughed and talked until the sun went down, smiling lovingly at each other and stumbling out the cold glass door. Harry's enjoyed his time and took advantage of the small break he had, drinking a couple glasses of tequila and he enjoys the warmth that flows through his skin as a soft giggle escapes his mouth and into the warm air.

They both stumble their way over to Harry's car, his valet standing guard as he holds the door open for them, straight faced but a hint of fondness for the couple as they make their way closer to him. She's more sober than Harry is, knowing he was gonna enjoy the sense of normalcy as much as he could. As he leans all his weight onto her, she can't help but to smile through a sigh - she's so happy for moments like this, moments where he's just Harry and she's just his amazing and beautiful girlfriend. There's no paps lurking in the shadows or behind buildings in search of the latest gossip or trying their best to find a way to bring him down as they just humanize him more.

They stumble in the car, Harry allows his girlfriend to get in first because he knows she doesn't like window seats. The door closes softly behind them as Harry gets settled in his seat, clumsily clicking his seatbelt together as she clicks hers on as well. She wastes no time in laying her head on his shoulder, her hair tickling his arm briefly causing another soft laugh to breeze through his bright pink lips.

The drive from the restaurant seems to fly by, the car pulls into the driveway much sooner than either of them anticipated but she's never been more grateful. They're both exhausted from the events of the day and they haven't been out this late since his recent break from touring. She can feel her muscles calling for their shared bed, the soft bouncy mattress paired with the warmth of their blanket has never sounded better than right in this moment.

The valet quickly parks the car in the open garage and comes out to open the door to let the couple out and into their home, a small smile graces his lips as he watches them scramble clumsily out the car and towards the door.

Maybe it's from the exhaustion taking over her body, or the chilly air that brushes against her arms that causes her not to realize that Harry isn't beside her as she reaches for her keys since she's almost halfway to the front door. The quietness should've been an indicator or the fact that she hasn't felt him softly bump her as he sways with his walk, but she's only thinking about the bed and the sleep that's been calling her name for the past two hours.

She turns around in search of her intoxicated boyfriend and spots him leaning in the side of the car, head craned upwards and mouth parted as he stares. She giggles slightly at the sight before her as she makes her way over to him, he's always been on to be easily fascinated by simple objects when he's had a couple drinks in his system. The breeze flowing through his curls makes him look angelic and she wishes she could stop and take a picture, but the urge to get in bed overtakes everything.

When she gently grabs his hand and tries to coax him back to the house, he shakes his head - his gaze still locked upwards in the sky, the moonlight shining on his face and illuminating his emerald eyes.
"Look angel, s'a full moon." He says and she smiles lovingly as she tilts her head back to gaze at the moon. She knows Harry's always been one to point out details in nature that captures his eye, but she's never seen him so in awe of the moon and she can't help the swelling of her heart at the small sentence.

They stand in silence minus the soft chirping of crickets somewhere in the grass, cuddled in each others arms as they gaze at the moon together. Her head lays on his shoulder, allowing her to comfortably observe the twinkling of the stars surrounding the moon thanks to sky being clear tonight.

After what feels like forever, Harry lets out a soft yawn as he squeezes her tighter and brings her closer to him if that's even possible. She looks up and smiles at him, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek gently before pulling away only to lace her fingers between his as she tugs him to the house.
"C'mon moon boy, time for us to get some sleep. Tell the moon goodnight before we head inside." Harry doesn't allow her to finish her sentence as he's already tiredly waving at the moon, a soft smile sits on his face before he yells to the moon, wishing it a good night's sleep and the best of dreams before entering the house and sliding off his shoes.

He may or may not remember tonight but she always will, and she knows that she wants to have that moment of peaceful bliss every night. Every night after that, she'll lead him outside and no matter what phase the moon is in, they always stand under the moon beams, taking in the beauty before wishing it a goodnight as they make their way back to the house. No matter how silly Harry may think it sounds, he's absolutely whipped for his girl and if saying goodnight to the moon brings her joy, he's not one to complain.

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