Stranger in her own body

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That's not her. There's no way she looks like that.
That's the first thing her mind comes up with as she stares at herself in the mirror. Her brown skin has never looked so light and she doesn't remember her face looking like that. Her hair has lost some of the curl, leaving her hair to fall in loose curls falling above her shoulder.

Her eyes don't look like her own, the brown of her pupil looks far too dark to be her own and has her nose always been this skinny. Her lips look too chapped to be hers, she makes sure hers are always moisturized. As her gaze travels lower, the tight brown tank top covering her torso looks just like the one she has in her closet and the loose grey sleep shorts fit nicely around her waist. She remembers putting the clothes on last night after cuddling up to Harry.

Her stomach curves outwards, she doesn't remember gaining more weight in the past couple months. Her painted hands lay gently on her stomach as she rubs small circles on her new stomach, a frown forms on her pink full lips as she continues her observations.

Her thighs have gotten bigger just slightly, beginning to take more of a toned look instead of loose fat covering her bones, and she notices as she turns that they don't jiggle as much anymore. Her legs look shorter though, as if she's shrunken a couple inches instead of growing like a normal person.

There's no way the person standing in the mirror is her, but with every movement the stranger copies her exactly, the timing not delaying by even a millisecond. But she doesn't recognize the stranger, her brain must be playing tricks on her as she continues her gaze over the body.

She can feel the tears beginning to form in her waterline, and she shakes her head as she steps away from the mirror. The soft bristles of the carpet tickles her feet as she moves away and bumps into a strong chest, his tattooed arms wrapping around her waist lovingly and keeps her from moving.
"Baby love, what's the matter?" He asks, his voice soft and laced with concern. He moves his ring less hands to her hips and begins to rotate her so she's facing him, eyes glassy and wide as she seems to stare through him.

He watches as her mouth parts slightly and closes, as if she was about to say something but decided against it. Her eyes staring straight ahead and a few lone tears begin to fall down her cheek. He slowly brings one hand to her face and cups her cheek on his, using his thumb to wipe away the tear staining her cheek.
"Baby, c'mon. You can talk to me, I wanna help. What's the matter?" She shakes her head softly as she sniffles, her gaze moving to the curls laying messily on top of his head.

He sighs sadly before walking backwards to the bed, his gaze never leaving her face as he guides her to him. He can feel her hand shaking slightly as more tears begin to form and fall. He gently coaxes her to sit on the bed, being extra gentle so he doesn't set her off, and he slowly rubs circles with his thumb against the back of her hand.

She can't look at him, her thoughts becoming too much of a distraction to focus on her boyfriend sitting right in front of her. She can hear him asking her things and talking to her, but she can't bring herself to answer; her voice and the words get caught in her throat every time she tries to answer him. Her eyes flit across the room as she tries to blink back the tears forming.

She opens her mouth to try to respond and all that comes out is a choked sob, the tears beginning to fall more often as she sees the image in the mirror again. She quickly wipes her cheeks and grabs his hand tightly, laying her head on his shoulder as she squeezes her eyes shut.
"It's not me.." she manages to squeak out, her voice coming out as a soft whisper, and if she wasn't so close to his ear he wouldn't have heard her say it.
"What do you mean?" He asks and she sniffles as she sits up.
"Can I see your phone?" She asks and frowns, she sounds like herself, her voice is normal so why does it not match her face.

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