Oh, Honey

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Harry misses you and wants to make you feel better.
pairing: best friend!harry x fem reader, soft!harry
wc: 2.4k
as always, comments are always welcome!

4kas always, comments are always welcome!

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Two weeks. Fourteen days. That's how long it's been since he's talked to Y/N last. Normally he's not one to count the days, to dwell on things like that. He doesn't wanna bother her and he understands she needs her space but he also know how stubborn she is. He knows she won't reach out for help, it was a miracle she even reached out for his the last time.

He's sent texts after texts letting her know he's here for her, that she's not alone and how much he loves her. He can't bear the thought of her dealing with all of this alone but he'd hate to impose on her privacy, especially unannounced since she hasn't even looked at any of the million texts he's sent.

When he's out with friends, all he can think about is her, if she's okay, if she's eaten, if she's in pain. It pains him physically and emotionally to even think about her hurting, he can't stand those thoughts. But he cares, he know she's knows that he cares for her. He hopes she knows he holds her in such a special spot in his heart, and how much love he has for her.

He stands in the corner of the party he's been dragged to by Sarah, the smell of weed and the loud music becoming overwhelming the longer he stands in the room. He doesn't know how long he's been at the party, all he knows is that he's ready to leave. He's ready to unwind and watch The Golden Girls with his best friend, he's ready to crack horrible dad jokes just to see her cringe and tell him just how bad it is and to never tell any of them ever again.

He hates how much he misses her, and he hates that he feels useless when it comes to this. He's constantly at war with himself on deciding if he should make use of the spare key she gave to him in case of emergencies or whenever she's out of town to water her plants or to leave it be and allow her to come to him whenever she's ready.

He sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair as he watches the figure approaching him. She's pretty. She has light brown curls that flows down her back, tanned skin with a few freckles scattered on her shoulders and nose, her pink mini dress showing off her long legs and her white heels click as she walks towards him. Her pink stained lips set in a flirty smirk as she sashays her hips, exaggerating the sway to get his attention.
"Hi there handsome, what're you doing by yourself? Maybe I can keep you company?" She asks, her voice high and very annoying as she draws her white polished finger down his chest.

He frowns as he politely grabs her wrist before stepping away as he speaks.
"M'just fine by myself. No thanks, I'm not interested." She huffs and rolls her eyes at his response, clearly expecting a very different response to her behavior. He smiles politely as he turns around and makes his way through the crowd of sweaty bodies dancing and grinding to the beat of the music and steps outside. The fresh air welcomes in as the wind blows slightly, swaying the branches of the trees surrounding the house and flowing through his locks.

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