Harry falls asleep with his rings on

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Harry's always been known for his hands, his rings especially, they were always a staple for every outfit he wore in some way or another. You'd never catch him without them unless he's out in the public and is heavily trying not to be spotted by fans (not that he minds, he loves interacting with his fans) and paparazzi flashing their cameras at him. The rings have become a part of his identity and he prides hisself in taking the ultimate care of them. But there's times where he'll be so tired that he forgets, and today makes one of them. After a long day of meetings and song writing, Harry walks through the door and sets his 'Pleasing'  tote bag beside the door and locks it behind him.
"Babe, I'm home!" He yells out, his voice echoing in the confines of the empty living room. He knows typically she's not one to casually chill out in the living room, she's usually found somewhere cleaning something. So he takes his shoes off as well and gently places them next to his tote bag before heading off deeper into the house.

He passes through the narrow hallway, eyes glancing at the various pictures covering the walls as he travels down. The sound of his music blaring from their shared room alerts him of where she is and he can't help but to smile at the fact that she's listening to his music. He opens the door and stands in the doorway, his shoulder leaning on the frame as he watches her briefly. He takes in her silhouette, her hair in a low ponytail, bare faced and her figured clothed in one of his hoodies and nothing else. He watches as she twirls around the room as she straightens up, he can smell the floral scent coming from her favorite candle (one of his favorites as well if he's being honest.)

He clears his throat and laughs softly when she jumps a little.
"H, you scared me. Didn't hear you come in, how was your day handsome?" He smiles as he walks towards her, arms already outstretched in anticipation of a hug.
"Hi m'love, it was good, long though. M'ready to lay down and go to sleep with my favorite lady. How was yours?" He can't help but to slowly walk backwards towards the bed, her figure still enclosed in his arms. She's used to his antics when he's tired, already accustomed to his routine of getting her to lay with him so all she does is wrap her arms around him tighter in order for her to lay on top when they reach the bed.

She sighs softly when the backs of his knees  finally make contact with the edge of the bed and they both fall over as they collapse into each other. Almost immediately, her hands find their place in his hair as she runs her fingers through his locks and he shuts his eyes.
"My day was good, missed you." She whispers and he smiles lightly.
"Missed you more baby, m'glad you had a good day." She hums softly as the silence grows comfortable between them, she's sure he's only moments away from falling asleep.
"Baby?" He mumbles out and she tilts her head up to look at how pretty he is, it's only briefly before she responds.
"Love you so much, don't know what I'd do without you." She smiles softly at him before she kisses the underside of his jaw.
"Love you too, me either always. You're stuck with me." He chuckles softly before they fall into a comfortable silence once more and she watches the rise and fall of his chest until it begins to slow and even out.

She slowly goes to untangle herself from his embrace and he grumbles only to return to his blissful state. She sighs softly once she's sitting up and she gently grabs one of his hands, her fingers gripping the ring softly as she takes her time. She's careful as she pulls, not wanting to move him too much and wake him up. It's become routine for them on days like this, where he doesn't have the energy to get changed and undress himself from the day, only wanting to lay with his love in their home away from all his responsibilities.

Unbeknownst to her Harry's still awake, he was just beginning to fall asleep before she went to escape. He bites back the smile as he listens to little concentration noises and huffs when she finally manages to pull the rings off without 'waking' him, it warms his heart to have someone care for him the way she does and he wouldn't change a thing.

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