Love On Tour Goodbye

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You watch with teary eyes from the curtains as Harry thanks the crowd, his voice shaky as he tries to hold back his tears. He stops in the middle of his 'thank you' speech to cover his mouth and look to the sky, a habit he does whenever he's on the verge of tears. You can't help but to smile sadly at the boy, you both knew tonight was going to be an emotional night seeing it's the last night before he went on break and disappeared for a while.

He walked around the stage as he thanked the fans, his friends and family and his band members. You knew he was stalling ending the show, every time he left the stage he would head straight towards you and envelopes you in a tight but brief hug. A way to keep him as grounded as possible in an effort not to break down in front of all his fans.

He finished his thanks and finally left the stage, his emerald eyes glassy and full of tears as he makes his way back to you. The energy lingering in the air is filled with sadness, love and gratitude. An overwhelming amount of all of them creating almost an unbearable weight on your shoulders, so you can only imagine how Harry must feel right now.

You immediately open your arms for him, a warm welcome to comfort your boyfriend. He tiredly wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, something he does when he's overwhelmed. There's a mixture of his fans singing, chanting his name and you can make out a couple sobs and sniffles, you don't blame them. You know how much he means to all of them, you were once a fan yourself so the feeling is shared.

You sigh sadly as one arm bends slightly to play with the ends of his curls and slowly rock him side to side. You can make out the rest of his team begin to excuse themselves and head over to his dressing room to congratulate him and you can't help but to hug his sweaty and exhausted frame.
"I'm proud of you baby, you did so good out there." You whisper softly, as if you speak any louder it'll burst the bubble.
"I don't want to leave them yet, maybe I can go back out and do an encore one last time. Sing a song from one of the older albums." You can't help but to coo softly at the man.

You squeeze him once more, enjoying the closeness and vulnerability in a way.
"You've already given them plenty, can't stay on the stage forever. It's time for you rest, my love." He shakes his head softly as another sob breaks through his chest.
"I'm not ready for it to be over." He says through choked sobs and you rub his back gently.
"I know. They aren't either, this isn't a permanent goodbye, just a see you later." You reassure him gently and he sighs as he pulls away. A moment passed before you wipe away his stray tears and kiss his cheeks before pulling him into a soft and tender kiss.

As you both make your way towards his dressing room, two things are certain.
He's going to miss them as much as they miss him, and he was made for doing this. He cares so much and has such a big heart, always oozing out love and kindness anywhere he goes.

You know he's not going to rest, everything he'll do will be for them. He never stops thinking about them. Every song lyric typed down, every voice note recorded, every interaction shared on the street will always be for them. While you may be his, he will always be theirs first and you don't mind it. His heart will always belong to his fans because ultimately he'd still be a boy making bread if it weren't for their constant love and support.

He'll never stop loving them and offering them his heart.

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